Severus Snape

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After the battle of Hogwarts many things have changed.  Dumbledore was dead along with many other professors, students, parents, siblings and friends.  Harry Potter defeated Voldemort and everything seemed to be at peace. Except the fact that so many people lost loved ones and the heartache in the castle was impossible to ignore.  The Weasleys lost a son so many others lost friends and you, you lost your favorite professor. The professor who always looked out for you, who was always there for you, who lent a shoulder to cry on or an ear to listen.  He might have been the rude sarcastic evil potions master to everyone else but to you he was everything. Your best friend, your mentor…Your first love. You never had the chance to tell him how you felt, you were always too afraid if you told him he’d be weirded out and start treating you like everyone else.  Now he’s gone and you have one year left in Hogwarts. You needed him now more than ever and you didn’t know how you would survive without him.

Summer passed and now it was the start of term and you weren’t ready. Going back to the place where so many people died and not having your best friend there to get you through it. You walked through the halls and things were so different. You walked to the potions classroom and when you saw that professor Snape's name plaque had been removed you lost it. You ran off crying into a dark corridor that not many people knew about.  It was a place you frequently went to clear your head.  You weren’t paying any attention when you heard a voice.  

“What are you doing wandering the corridors this late?”  That voice.. You knew that voice it was.

“Severus.”  His portrait was hung on the wall. “You're here, you can talk.”  

“Yes, magical portraits typically can.” 

“Still as sarcastic as before.”  

“So why are you walking the corridors?” 

“Why are you hanging in this corridor?”  You sassed back, making him chuckle. 

“Because I knew you’d come here. When I was alive.”

“Please don’t.. Don’t remind me that you're gone, I can't take it.”  Your eyes started to water.

“...Before, I would see you wandering this corridor at night when you were having a difficult day. There were many nights I was on night duty and saw you here. I always chose to let you go, I didn’t want to make your day worse. When Mcgonagall asked where I wanted my portrait to be placed I chose here… I wanted to be here for you when you needed me.”  You were quietly sobbing at this point.

“I miss you. You were the only person I had and now you're gone.  I can’t even hug you anymore.” You cried.

“I’m sorry Y/N. I never wanted to hurt you.”

“W-what am I supposed to do after I graduate this year. I’ll n-never see you again.” You covered your face.  

“I wish I knew the answer to that. I don’t know what will happen after you graduate.” 

“I can’t lose you again. I can't, I hardly survived this time.” 

“What do you mean?”

“This summer hasn’t been easy, Sev.”  You sniffed the tears away.

“Lift your sleeves.” 

“No, it doesn’t matter, there's nothing you can do about it this time. Nothing you say can change it because you're not here. You're not here, you're gone and I miss you and I love you and I don’t know how to survive without and I don’t want to!” You confessed, crying again.

“Don’t talk like that please don’t talk like that. Your life is worth so much, you can’t end it over someone like me.”

“I love you, Severus. I never got to tell you and I should have because if I had maybe you would still be here… But you're not. You're the only thing I have ever had and I lost you!” 

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