Severus Snape

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You are James potter's twin sister. You much like Sirius and his brother Regulus were placed in opposite houses. James in Griffyindor and you in Slytherin. You and James still remained close. You were his younger sister after all.... By 3 minutes. You didn't hangout with James and his friends. You had friends of your own and a boyfriend that no one knew about.

Severus Snape. Your fourth year after he and Lily were on the outs you and Severus started talking. You got close. You had always had a crush on Severus but you were to afraid to say anything because you knew he loved Lily but now he was over her. He cared for you. He loved you and he would do anything to protect you. That's why he wouldn't let you tell anyone about your relationship. No one knew you were even friends. Severus was so afraid you brother would stay harassing you the way he harassed him that he insisted you hide it.

Soon you all graduated and sadly you still had to keep it a secret to keep you both safe. Severus was a death eater and you were part of the Order. Neither of you told another of your relationship. It had to be kept secret. At the end of each night you went home to each other. You had bought a home and you didn't tell anyone besides Severus where it was. It was your safe house, a place you and Severus could live in peace while the war was going on. Being on opposite sides you agreed to never talk about the war at home ever. 

After your brother and Lily were killed Severus had the motivation to do what he wanted to do from the beginning and change sides. Dumbledore took him in as the potions master and a few years later you were hired to teach alchemy. It had been over a decade and still no one knew about your relationship and even though you understood why it still hurt. All your friends were married and having children and you felt like you were standing still, stuck in one spot. You and Severus wanted children, you wanted at least 2 and Severus said he wanted as many as you did. However because of the 2nd war you couldn't even get married. What would everyone think if you suddenly had a baby bump on display. The only people who knew of your relationship was Minerva and Dumbledore and they only knew because they saw you both frequently attempting to sneak in and out of each other's chambers late at night then early in the morning. Being as they were your teachers in school it wasn't hard for them to figure out. They knew you had feelings for each other while in school.

Alas now Dumbledore was dead and Severus was the headmaster. The students all stood in the middle of the great hall listening to Severus' speech about your nephew. You saw the hatred in the students eyes and it made you sick to think they all hated the man you loved. You had been so moody recently and You contributed it to the war, but you couldn't stand to see them look at him like that. It almost made You resent Dumbledore for doing this to Severus. You stood in the back as the rest of the Order made there way into the great hall. You stood by there side as you always had, but Severus had something else on mind. He held his hand out to you waiting for you to come to him.

"Darling, come. We made a promise. Its time we honored it." Severus called to you across the hall. You stood dumbfounded along with the students who had no idea who he was talking to. As far as they knew Severus didn't have a partner. This was never planned. He never made any indications he wanted anyone to find out about you two especially now. 

"My love. It's time, we've waited long enough." He called to you again. You agreed things were serious now and you wanted his comfort more than ever. If you separated now there was no guarantee you'd see each other again. You stepped forward to everyone's surprise. You were so nice and well liked by the students how could you be with this traitor? Remus who had fancied you in school was most shocked. Severus was part of the reason your brother was killed and now your his girlfriend?

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