Hans Gruber

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Hans has been working endlessly for weeks and it's starting to bother you. You've never been the type of girl to beg for attention but the fact that he's barely looked or acknowledged you in 3 weeks is starting to hurt your feelings. Yes he was busy and this plan was important so you could finally start over but you missed him. You both agreed that tonight he'd end work early and you would go to dinner, you had a reservation at a nice restaurant. It was 5 o'clock when you took Hans a cup of coffee. You knocked lightly on the door but there was no response so you let yourself in. He didn't move his eyes still on his papers. You walked behind his chair placing his coffee on his desk. You started to rub his shoulders since he looked stressed.

"Liebling please not now." He groaned pulling away. You then placed your hand in his hair trying to soothe him, running your fingers through his hair.
"I brought you some coffee and came to remind you-"

"I said I'm busy okay?!" He snapped at you.

"I know baby I know you're busy but our reservations at 7 and I just wanna make sure tha-"

"ENOUGH!" He yelled pushing his chair back and standing in one motion. He turned around fast and you were stuck between him and the wall, his hands on either side of your head.

"I'm sorry." You chocked our sheepishly. He exhaled through his nose and lowered his head in shame.

"No, I'm sorry darling I'm stressed I shouldn't be taking it out on you. I'll be ready in time for dinner i promise. Just let me finish up okay my love?" He apologized, rubbing your arms.

"Okay. Just come out when your done I won't bother you again." You said kissing his cheek making him smile.

You left his office and let him finish up. You were excited for tonight, it had been a while since you and Hans spent time together let alone went out. You had gone out and bought a new dress and some makeup for the occasion. You wanted to look pretty for him tonight since he's been working so hard for you. Your reservations were for 7 so around 5:45 you went upstairs out on your new red dress, fixed your hair and makeup and was downstairs waiting by 6:15. Once you were ready you went back to Hans office but it was locked. You tried knocking but there was no answer. He didn't even acknowledge that he hears you. Instead of bothering him you sat on the couch and waited. Hans was a very punctual man, however when 6:40 rolled around you got nervous you would be surely be late if you didn't leave soon. You tried knocking again but it was locked and Hans wouldn't acknowledge you.

"Hans, baby please we'll be late." You called to him through the door. Still no response. You went back to the couch and waited. Even if you missed your reservation Hans would get you a table and it was opened til 10. You sat and waited but soon 9:45 showed on the clock you'd never make it in time. You felt rejected. This was your fiance, she shouldn't be making you feel like this. You slowly made your way upstairs. Your stomach hurt from not eating for hours, your tears had ruined your makeup that you spent so much time on. You never wore makeup or dresses or heels but tonight meant a lot to you.

You took the remainder of your makeup off and changed out of your dress throwing it carelessly on the hamper. You brushed the curls out of your hair and made your way to the guest room. If you were going to spend another night sleeping alone you weren't going to be teased by the cologne on his pillow. You laid in bed clenching a pillow to your chest feeling heartbroken. It felt stupid but you were hurt.

Downstairs in his office Hans finally looked up at the clock seeing it was now 10:03. Not only did he miss your reservation but the restaurant was closed all together. He hung his head knowing he screwed up and you we're probably very upset. He quickly finished up work and left the office going to your shared room to find you. When he went into your room and it was empty. He checked the living room then the kitchen thinking maybe you made something to eat since you skipped lunch because you were so excited for dinner. Empty... The only other place you could be was the guess room where he found you wide awake with a pillow in your arms. He walked to the side of the bed and sat down.

"Poppet, I'm so sorry." He said rubbing your calf under the blankets.

"Its fine." You mumbled, looking at how late it was now. You were hoping you'd be walking on a beach right now like you used to do when you were dating.

"No it's not. I got carried away I know tonight was important to you.... I saw the dress on the hamper. I've never seen it before."

"I bought it to surprise you tonight. Along with the makeup and shoes. I wanted to look pretty for you tonight as a way to say thank you for all your hard work." You admitted glancing at him for a second.

"Your always pretty for me poppet. I'm sorry about tonight. I thought I had more time. I promise we'll go out another night." He said taking your hands away from the blanket you were anxiously playing with.

"It's okay, you're busy."

"Come downstairs, I'll make you something to eat." He said standing.

"I can wait til morning, I'm not hungry." You insisted.

"Please Poppet you haven't eaten in 12 hours. Let me make you something." He plead.

"Baby if your hungry you can make something, or I'll make you something but its late and if I eat now I'll get sick." You explained.

"I understand. Please come to bed. I'm done working I'll give you all the kisses and cuddles you want." You thought for a moment.

"Only if I can have one of your shirts. He smirked.

"My love you can have anything you wish." He replied taking your hands and helping you up. You got into bed together and cuddles. "Tomorrow I'm all yours. No work just us all day. I promise."

"I'd like that." You smiled.

He kept his promise, the next morning you caught up on some much needed cuddles then cooked breakfast together. In the afternoon he read to you before taking an afternoon nap together. Later that night you went out to dinner and walked along the beach putting your feet in the water. When you got home you showered together, getting into bed damp and naked holding each other.

"This was nice." You yawned rubbing his lightly hairy chest.

"I agree. I love you liebling. So very much." He agreed nuzzling his face into you hair.

"I love you too."

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