Severus Snape

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It was the beginning of the new term at Hogwarts which meant you and your husband Severus had to move your things from your home in Spinner's End back to the castle.  It had been an eventful summer.  You convinced your husband to go through the journey of becoming an animagus with you.  He was very reluctant at first, saying that he never wanted to be like the bullies that tormented him in school.  You of course told him you understood and it was his decision.  The day you were going to start the process he decided he didn’t want you to do it alone, so he started the process with you.  

After a month of holding that God awful leave in your mouth it was done, and with only a week until the new term started.  You decided on a wolf as your animagus, a white one and Severus decided to become a wolf as well but a black one.  The main reason he agreed was because he liked the thought of you and him being able to turn into your animagus forms and running away from the castle so no one could find you.  You and Severus have been teaching at Hogwarts for almost a decade and you both knew how hard it was to get alone time.  You were most of the students' favorite teacher which meant there were always students in your classroom to chat.  If you could get away from your classroom then they would find you in the hallway and take up your free time.  You and Severus always had your free period at the same time, yet you never had a chance to spend it together.  If a student needed help with the class that was one thing and you would gladly stay behind to help them, but it was never students needing help that took up your time.  Severus of course understood and it didn’t upset him, you stayed in the same chambers since you were married and if he didn’t see you on your free period he would see you at night.  Now that you were both animagus you were hoping you’d be able to sneak away in your wolf form so you and Severus could spend your free periods together by the black lake where you took your night time walks.  

It was a month into term and you were in the Gryffindor common room because one of the students came to find you, telling you that one of the Gryffinor’s were experimenting with a potion and they had a bad feeling it wasn’t going to end well.  It was a third year student by the name of Philip Williams.  According to Leah, the student who came to find you, Philip was working on a potion that could turn him into any animal temporarily.  She said he explained it as a cross between transfiguration and potions class.  

When you got to the common room there was a little crowd of students watching him.  You told the students to clear the way and of course they did.  As you walked up to Philip and the potions you saw it start to bubble which only meant one thing.  You grabbed Philip and threw him as far from the cauldron as you could and thankfully he was far enough away when it exploded.  You however weren’t that lucky.  Your husband watched the whole thing in horror.  Another student went to find him hoping he could get rid of the potion carefully since he was the potions master. It seemed to happen in slow motion for Severus but still he couldn’t reach you in time, the potions exploded all over you.  Next thing he knew you were in your animagus form.  

You were looking up at Severus confused.  

“Has he gotten taller?  Have I gotten shorter?”  You thought to yourself.  “Wait a minute, these are paws.  Where are my feet?”  You thought as you looked down at your feet.  Severus was listening to your thoughts.  He knew you weren’t going to understand what was going on and you weren’t going to be able to talk.  All the students were staring at you, some with shock others with pity.  Philip looked beyond guilty.  You turned to face your husband.  You were trying to change back into your human form but it wasn’t working and you started to panic.

“Love, you need to stay calm.”  Severus called, kneeling down to your level.  

“What’s going on?  Why can’t I change back?  Why am I in my animagus form?  I didn’t change into it, why can’t I change back?”  Your thoughts raced one after another.  

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