Elliot Marston

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"Elliot.”  You called out running into the living room. 

“Yes darling, what is it?”  He smirks, grabbing your waist. He knew why you were excited but he wanted to act innocent.

“It's snowing Elliot! We have to go out and play in the snow, and go ice skating. I love when we go ice skating. Can we go? Please!”  You exclaimed.  Elliot smiled at your enthusiasm.

“I suppose we could go ice skating.”  Elliot says after a moment of fake consideration.  

“Yay! I’ll go get my ice skates!”  You squealed running back into your bedroom.  Elliot chuckled at your behavior even though he found it adorable. He followed you into your bedroom to get his ice skates as well.  As soon as he walked into the room his ice skates were thrusted into his hand.  

“Come on old man, we don’t want the ice to melt!”  You yelled back as you ran out the front door. He chuckled and chased after you.  Elliot knew winter was your favorite time of year, mostly because you grew up in a part of Australia that got absolutely no snow.  So the first winter you spent at Elliots house it snowed and you decided right then and there if this was the man you married this is where you were staying. 

“Y/N, hey slow down. Don’t get on that ice!” He yelled, grabbing your waist and pulling you back.  

“But why? You said we could ice skate.”  You looked confused. 

“Yes darling, we can but I need to check the ice first.  I don’t want it to crack, if it's thick enough then you can skate to your little heart's desire okay?”  He clarified, placing a kiss to your forehead. 

You nodded and let him check the ice.  He put one foot on the edge where the ice met the shore and then when he felt it was stable he went further.  He jumped on the ice in a few different places and once he determined it was safe he motioned you over.  You squeaked and ran onto the ice with Elliot skating around him, just out of his reach so he couldn’t grab you. Giggling you started to skate away from him and he chased you.  

You two skated around for close to an hour when you decided to go a little farther back on the pond. Elliot followed close behind you but you stuck your tongue out at him and started to go faster.  Elliot was a decent skater but nowhere near as good or as fast as you.  You neared the back of the pond and Elliot noticed some water laying on top of the ice which was never a good sign.  

“Y/N, stop.”  He called to you. You didn’t hear him, so you turned to acknowledge him. 

“What?”  You yelled back to him. You heard a crack and before you had a chance to stop you fell into a hole in the ice. 

“Y/N!” Elliot yelled skating to you.  You couldn’t move your body was in shock and you felt numb. You had no perception of time, you had no idea how long you were down there.  Eventually you felt two strong arms pull you out of the water.  You gasped once you were pulled from the water. 

“Oh God Y/N, why didn’t you stop when I told you?”  He wiped the water from your face. 

“I d-didn’t h-hear you.” You shivered.  He picked you up and carried you back to the house. 

“God you're soaked to the bone.” He said laying you on the couch and grabbing some blankets to put over you. You were still hyperventilating. “Don’t move, I’m going to get a bath ready to hopefully warm you up.”  He ran off down the hallway to the bathroom to get the tub ready for you.  You couldn’t stop yourself from shivering, and your teeth from chattering. You felt exhausted and all you wanted to do was sleep but your body wouldn’t let you.  

“Okay the tub is ready let's get you in. Hey, don’t fall asleep on me okay, let’s warm you up first."  He picked you up and helped strip you from your clothes.  “Don’t get in too fast, you don’t want to risk putting your body into shock again.”  You got ready to put your first foot in the water when Elliot grabbed onto your arm. He knew this was going to sting, he’s experienced coming inside into a warm house after hours in the cold. It feels like little needles stringing your skin, he could only imagine how it would feel to have warm water all over your body after having been in freezing cold water.  

“Ah!”  You yelled, feeling the sting against your foot, immediately pulling it back out of the water.

“I know love I know it stings but you have to get in, your hand alone is giving me chills. Just take it nice and slow.”  He encouraged.  

You slowly eased your way into the water. It was painful, very painful but you did it anyway to try and warm yourself.  After a minute or so of just soaking it started to feel amazing and you relaxed into the water. Elliot had gone into the kitchen and made you a cup of hot tea and put some soup on the stove.  Of course he could have just had one of the slaves do it but he knew it meant more to you if he did it himself. He brought you your tea and sat on the toilet with you while you soaked to keep you company. 

“Do you feel better?”  He asks as he begins to drain the cooler water from the tub.  

“Yes, that was really nice, thank you.”  You replied as he wrapped a towel around you and took you back into your bedroom and helped you dress.  

“I have some soup on the stove for you. I'll go get it then you can get some rest.  I know your body has to be screaming for sleep after what it's been through, but you need something hot in your stomach.” He kissed your head and went to get you some soup. He brought it in and sat down on the bed letting you eat it.  You took a spoonful and held it to his lips.

“My dingo, that’s for you, you need to eat it all.”  He said dismissing your attempt.  

“You need to eat too.”  You argued. 

“I know darling but you need it more than I do right now.”  

“Please just have a bite, or get yourself a cup.” You pouted.

“Alright I’ll go get the rest of the soup and have some.” He conceded going to the kitchen and getting himself a bowl.  You both sat in bed and ate.  After you both finished he spooned you and rubbed his hands against you to keep you warm.  

“How are you feeling?” He asked, his face against your neck.  

“Much better, thank you for saving me.”  You turned your neck to place a kiss on his head.

“Anything for you sweetheart. However, I don't think you’ll be playing in the snow for a while.”  He mumbled into your shoulder.

“But Eli.” 

“No darling, not until I know for sure you won’t get sick. I promise once you're better we’ll have a snowball fight like every year.”  

“Okay, I suppose you're right.”  You conceded.

“I’m always right, now go to sleep.”

“You go to sleep, old man.”  You giggle. He bit your neck then kissed it. 

“Goodnight sweetheart.” He yawned.

“Goodnight love.”  You mumbled.

Okay guys give me scenarios you wanna read. I've been updating frequently and i want to continue to do so but i need fresh ideas so comment some.

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