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You and George had been together a while now and he had been talking about getting married a lot lately.  He would often tell you that he wanted children, at least 2 and a wife to come home to everyday.  You of course being his partner thought he was hinting at proposing to you.  Your relationship had been going perfectly, you were both very happy together.  

Then Robin came into the picture.  George was becoming increasingly angry, even at home he was easily irritated and often snapped at you.  He never physically hurt you but he had yelled things at you and slammed doors.  One day it was worse than any other day. He came home slamming the door to your room behind him.  You were sitting in a chair by the fire working on a bracelet to give him that he could wear while he was away.  You hoped that it would give him some comfort while he was away.  It was freezing outside, he came in almost shivering after another failed attempt to catch Robin hood.  He went straight for the wine, you hated when he did this.  

Slowly you stood from your chair and put your hand to his wrist lowering the cup away from his lips.  He looked at you with anger very present in his face. 

“My love you don’t have to drink your anger away, you can always talk to me.”  You said ignoring his scowl.  

“I am not some petty woman, Y/N.  I don’t need to speak about my feelings, nor do I need you telling me what I can and cannot do.  Take your hand from my wrist. Now.”  He spat at you.  You sigh but remove your hand from his wrist allowing him to drink the rest of the wine in the glass.  You went back and finished putting the last piece on the bracelet.  It was leather with a cross you had made to put on it. You smiled looking at the finished product.  George was sitting on the bed stretching his back when you sat beside him.  He just looked sideways at you, still very upset by the events of today.  

“I made something for you today.”  You smiled at him.  He just raised one eyebrow at you.  You took his hand and put the bracelet in his palm.  He studied it.  

“What is this?”  He asked a little aggressively

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“What is this?”  He asked a little aggressively. 

“A bracelet, I thought you could wear it when you were out.  Maybe it could comfort you when you're away from home and having troubles.”  You explained.  

“You really think I’m a woman don’t you.  I don’t wear jewelry Y/N that's a woman thing.” He said tossing the bracelet on the bed.

“I’m only trying to help you.  You always tell me to stay in the castle where it's safe, I don’t know what else to do to help you.”  You mumbled, feeling a little sad he didn’t like your gift. 

“I don’t need you to help me, I can take care of myself.”

“But you don’t have to George, I can help you.  If I’m going to be your wife one day I want to know how to hel-”

“Who said you were going to be my wife?”  He interrupted. 

“You’ve been speaking of marriage and children a lot lately, I thought perhaps you were ready.”  

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