Ed the Painter 🍋

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"Eddie! When are you gonna be done?" You yelled from your bedroom.

"I don't know, baby. Hopefully soon." He called back.

"Well hurry uuup." You whined, laying face down on your bed pouting.  About 20 minutes later you went into the living room where Ed had been painting for what seemed like days on end.  He barely took a break, you had to constantly remind him to eat and drink water. You were getting annoyed. 

You got up from your bed and went into the living room and grabbed him by the ear and pulled him away from his painting.  You pushed him back onto your bed and immediately sat on his lap so he couldn't get up. 

"Y/N, what are you doing? I'm busy.  I need to finish that painting, Mr Greyson will be here the day after tomorrow to pick it up."  Ed argued, trying to pull you from his lap.

"I saw that you're almost done, you can finish it tomorrow."  You countered crossing your arms and planting yourself more firmly on his lap.

"Y/N get up." 

"Fine, go back to your painting." You said getting up and giving him a clear path back to the living room.

"....No, I don't think that's safe."  He hesitated looking at how your words didn't match your deminor.

"No go ahead, it's more important isn't it."  You challenged.

"Now Y/N you know you're important to me."  He tried to assure you.

"Quite frankly I don't.  Not as of lately, you've ignored me for the past week.  And I understand it's an important painting but you don't think you could have stopped at least once to just sit down and have a cup of tea with me?  Or have dinner with me?  I've eaten dinner alone for over a week and it's a little old."  you said, shaking his hand off your leg. 

"Baby I'm sorry I didn't mean to make you feel unimportant but this is a really important painting and it's going to make us a lot of money."  He sighs, getting up from his seat on the bed.

"I know... I'm sorry.  I just miss you."  You felt silly.  You knew you were struggling with bills lately and you both needed this. You had just got a job last week and were waiting for the paperwork and drug tests and everything to go through.  This job meant you'd see less and less of Ed and you just wanted to use the rest of this week to spend as much time with him as you could, but the money you'd get from this painting was more important.

Ed had told you a few weeks ago he made a spontaneous decision that cost him a lot of money.  You asked him what it was but he told you to trust him and not to worry, he'd tell you when he found out if it was worth it or not.  You chose to trust him, after all you had no reason not to.  So now after that stupid arguement which you knew you were wrong, you stood in front of him and swung you leg back and forth which was a nervous habit of yours.

Ed grabbed your hand and guided you back to the bed, sitting you down so you wouldn't pace, or accidently kick him with your swinging leg as you've done by mistake before.  And once on purpose that you didn't tell him about. 

"Listen, I don't care how important the painting is, you will always be the most important thing in my life.  I didn't mean to make you feel this way, I got carried away.  I'm sorry."  He said sitting beside you and putting his arm around you. 

"It's okay. Painting is your passion, it's easy for you to get caught up in it.  I'm just glad you get to do the things you love.  It makes me happy to see you doing the thing you love to do and making good money from it."  You answered, rubbing his chest.

"Tonight we'll have a nice dinner together and watch a film, have a bubble bath, cuddle, watch another film in bed, cuddle some more and go to sleep."  He cooed in your ear, swaying you both back and forth. 

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