David Friedman

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You were standing in the kitchen with your mother and aunt as you all made christmas cookies. It was the middle of December and you always made cookies to send to church, and your relatives that live further away, and to have on christmas day for everyone. Your fiance David was out taking your stepdaughter Lily out for a daddy daughter date since his ex wife has had her for the past week. He decided to take her to the park and build snowmen, and have a snowball fight. Then take her to get some grilled cheese sandwiches, soup and hot cocoa.

You had been having a very fun time with your mom and aunt when two police officers that your fiance frequently worked with showed up at the door. It wasn't too unusual for officers to show up looking for him.

"Hi Anthony, Tim. I'm sorry but he's actually not here, he's out with our daughter." You said ushering them inside and out of the cold.

"Y/N, we have something we have to tell you." They sounded serious.


"David was mugged on his way to the car tonight. He gave the man his wallet but he was shot." You started to stutter and panic, not really able to form words. "He's alive, he's being taken to the hospital now. We just got the call so he's probably not even at the hospital yet. As soon as we heard the call on the radio we came here to get you." Anthony explained.

"M-my, Lily where is Lily?" You panicked.

"Lily is fine. She's being sent down to the children's ward of the hospital just to talk to someone about what she saw. I called the officer who was on site and they said she doesn't understand what's going on. According to the officer, the poor girl just thinks that the fireworks scared him really badly." You let out a little giggle through your tears.

"Of course she would think something like that. I need to get down there, I need to be there." You stuttered through your tears.

"We're here to take you, go ahead and get whatever you need. Things for yourself, Lily, David, we'll wait for you outside." Anthony interrupted, putting his hand on your shoulder in a comforting fashion.

"Okay, okay. I'll go get everything I'll be out in a minute." They left and went back to the car while you got things put together. Your mom and aunt hugged you and you cried.

"What if he doesn't make it? What if there's serious damage? I don't."

"Sh, sh. Don't jump to conclusions, David is a strong man he'll be okay. Go get Lily some Pajamas, a couple toys and a blanket. It's already 7pm. I'm sure we're in for a long night." Your mom assured you. You went upstairs and grabbed things your mom suggested and ran back downstairs. You, your mom and your aunt went outside to the officers.

"We'll escort you if you all just want to ride together in your car." Tim suggested.

"Yes, I think that might be better." You agreed. They escorted you, lights and sirens to the hospital.

"Excuse me, I'm Y/N Y/L/N. My fiance David Friedman was brought here a little while ago. Is there anything you can tell me?" You asked the receptionist.

"He's just gone into surgery dear, it should be a few hours before he's out. I'll have someone come down and take you and your family to a private waiting room." The old woman said after looking him up on her computer.

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