Metatron pt 1

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This is pet one to the  story above that got deleted somehow. So it's not really in order I'm sorry

Rufus was in a bar with some human when Metatron decided to join them for a drink. Given he knew he'd have to throw it all up afterwards but considering the position he was currently in. What the Hell he'd risk it.

"So what should we do?"  Rufus asked. Met wasn't listening; he himself had no clue, no ideas he just wanted to drink. 

"I say we get drunk because I'm all out of ideas."

"That's not going to help."  Rufus scolded Met.

"Hey sweetheart, what can I get started for yeah."  You bubbled as she walked over.

"I um, scotch neat, no ice please."  Met stuttered.

"Perfect, I'll have that right out."  You smiled and walked away to get his drink. 

"Ooo, Met found someone he fancies."  Rufus teased noticing Met's soft demeanor around you.

"Shut it Rufus!" He snarled. 

"Oh come on Met just look at you, you fancy her. Oh she's coming back."  He smirked, sitting back in his chair as you approached with Metatrons drink. 

"Here you go sweetheart. Can I get you boys anything else?"  You asked, the smile never left your face and it seemed to be contagious as Metatron was smiling from ear to ear. Which did not go unnoticed by Rufus. 

"My friend here would like your number."  Rufus butted in. Met kicked him under the table, scowling at him.

"I um.. You don't need to do that."  He tried to recover. He didn't want you to feel uncomfortable. 

"Well.. Would you like my number?"  Your voice was so sweet and sincere, it immediately made him relax in his seat. 

"If you want to give it to me I'd happily take it." He smiled back at you. He wanted so badly to stay angry at Rufus but he couldn't find it in himself to be mad at anyone right now. Not when you were looking at him so sweetly.

"I'd be happy too." You wrote your number down on a sheet from your notepad then handed it to him. "Here, give me a call sometime."  You winked at him.  He stared at you as you walked away, completely unaware of Rufus smirking at him.

"You're welcome."  Rufus snickered.

"I shouldn't thank you. Nothing can come of this and you know that. I will have to return to heaven which will do nothing but break her heart... You know I can't have the same things as a human can, can't give her the same things another human can."  He huffed and excused himself to the bathroom.  Looking in the stalls, he made sure he was alone. 

"Why would you put her in my path? Why would you make her so willing to give me her number? I can't do anything with her because she's human." He spoke to God.

"Have faith." Was all he heard back. 

"Have faith, have faith. Faith in what? I can't be with her so why torture me?" He scoffed. As he exited the bathroom he could hear your sweet voice.

"Are you sure? I don't mind staying if you need help."  You said to an older woman.

"No dear, you've been here for 10 hours, go home. We have more than enough help. Thank you for staying."  He assumed it was your boss you were talking to. 

"Go with her."  He heard from above.

"There's no point."  He rolled his eyes. 


"Fine."  He walked towards the door where you were exiting.  "Excuse me. I'm sorry, I never got your name." 

"Oh, I'm Y/N. And you are?" 

"Ezekiel. It's nice to meet you Y/N. Finally getting off work?" He held the door for you.

"Yeah, it's been a long day."  You said taking a deep breath.

"Would you like me to uh... Walk you home?" He rubbed the back of his neck. A nervous habit of his.

"That would be very sweet of you." You smiled. 

"So do you.. Have any plans this weekend?"

"No, I actually got the weekend off for once."  You told him as you turned the corner.

"How would you like to get a drink with me?"  He suggested.

"I would love tol. You're not like a serial killer are you." You teased, leaning closer to him to whisper it in his ear. You heard him chuckle. His deep laugh made you smile wider. His voice in general was probably the most beautiful thing you have ever heard. 

"No, not last time I checked."  He joked.

"Good. You know people are crazy these days." You were funny, and sweet. He felt like his heart was going to explode. 

"Believe me I have seen first hand how crazy people can be. You would think we would learn by now but it seems things are just getting worse. I miss the days when people could walk the streets at night and feel safe. Or when people could give others a ride instead of driving past them because they're too scared that they will get hurt. Sin is becoming far too common and instead of battling it it seems people are just getting used to it." 

"That's very insightful Ezekial. And I agree with you fully. People are normalizing sin and it's just... In a way it makes me feel hopeless. Like things are never going to get better. I feel like people have turned their back on everything good in the world. On God and if people don't fear or respect God.. Things are never going to get better, I keep hoping they will but it just makes me feel naive."

"Have faith. All you can do is have faith, because if you give up others will too. That's the problem, everyone is giving up because they think there's nothing they can do. They think they can't make a difference. One thing that people forget is Jesus was human and look at the difference he made in the world. He was one man, but he spoke of what he believed in, he worked for it and after a while people followed. People saw what one man could do and it made them think, if one man could do all those things imagine what we could do by his side. He inspired others, you can too. Keep your faith, have hope and things will change for the better." Ezekiel stopped when you did.

"Thank you. I was having a very bad night and you just made it so much better."

"You seemed so happy."  His smile dropped at the thought of you being unhappy.

"I'm good at faking it. All the long hours at work and coming home to an empty house, it's been getting to me lately. It'll be okay, the feeling will pass, it always does." 

"Do you feel this way often?"

"Sometimes. But I always get better. It just takes a few days. Sometimes I just look at my age and realize I should have done a lot more in my life by now. It makes me feel... I don't know. I feel like I'm running out of time." You confessed.

"You have all the time in the world." 

"Perhaps in the afterlife but there are many Earthly things that I want that I'm running out of time to have." You smiled sadly.

"You want a family."  It wasn't a question he knew.

"Yeah, that's the one thing I really wanted but I feel like maybe I wasn't meant to have it at this point."

"Perhaps God put me in your path for a reason then."  He smiled, wanting you to be happy again.

"Perhaps he did." The smile returned to your face. "Well this is my stop." You looked up at the apartment pretty disappointed. You didn't wanna leave him, you enjoyed his company. 

"It seems it is."  He nodded, equally disappointed.

"Would you like to come up? We need to pick a time and place for our drink."  It didn't take much persuasion. 

"Well that would be best." He chuckled. "It would be awfully irresponsible of us not to plan such a thing beforehand." 

"It most certainly would." You said, unlocking the door. "Please come in Ezekial." 

"The pleasure would be all mine darling."

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