Severus Snape (NEW!)

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It was the end of winter and you hadn't gotten sick all year until now. It figures that you would wait until the last couple weeks of winter to catch a cold but you couldn't really be surprised. Most of the students had caught a bug that had been going around recently and since you had been spending a lot of extra time tutoring kids after class so it wasn't much of a surprise you were the first teacher to catch the bug that was going around. Of course you didn't bother your boyfriend who was also a professor because you knew he would worry too much. The second you had the slightest sign of a sniffle last year he was trying to force every sort of potion down your throat. This year you decided to wait until you were sure you even had a cold before saying anything to Severus but you waited just a tad too long and now you were sick as a dog.

You were in your private chambers laying in bed. The day was almost half over and you had been having other teachers cover your classes. All besides Severus, you didn't wanna hear him complain about you being sick and not telling him. So now you're laying in bed with a box of tissues beside you and a cup of hot tea. Madam Pomfrey had been to your room once today to check on you. You had a high fever of 101.3 and she wanted to keep a close eye on you. You had given you several potions, one knocked you out for several hours and you were just waking up all groggy.

"Well what do we have here?" You heard a deep silky voice from the chair beside your bed. You slowly turn your aching body around to look at the handsome man sitting next to you.

"Hey." You say, then start coughing.

"Tell me how long did you think you could hide this from me?" He asked, with an eyebrow raised.

"Well I was hoping until the end of the day but apparently not." You chuckled, tiredly.

"How long have you been feeling ill?"

"Since yesterday morning. It's just gotten worse today." He put his hand out to touch your forehead and you nuzzled into his touch. You wanted to tell him, all you wanted at the moment was to be held by him but you didn't want to get him sick.

"You still have a fever." He sighed and moved to sit beside you on the bed.

"Don't get too close, I don't want to get you sick." You tried to move back on the bed but he rolled his eyes and grabbed you under the arms and pulled you into his chest.

"I know you want skin on skin contact. Physical touch is how you find comfort." He rumbled in your ear, kissing your head.

"Yes but I don't want you to get sick." You tried to sound firm but you were loving being so close to him and feeling his warmth. He rubbed his hand up and down your side while you snuggled further into his chest.

"Sh, don't worry about me, I'll be fine. Let's just focus on you getting better. When was the last time Poppy checked on you?"

"I don't know, the last time she was here she gave me a potion that knocked me out." He leaned over and checked the potion bottles on the nightstand.

"She gave you something to combat the fever." He said looking at the label on the bottle. "It seems like it's helped a bit but you still have a small fever... I could give you another dose if you'd like?"

"What time is it?"

"It's just past 3pm." 

"Do you think I should take it if it'll knock me out again?" You asked him.

"I think if you take another dose it'll make it very hard for you to sleep tonight, but I could always give you a sleeping potion. It's up to you." He brushed his fingers through your tangled hair and tried to gently untangle some of the pieces.

"I think I've slept enough today. I'll be okay for a few hours. I can take it before I go to bed tonight to help me sleep."

"I agree." He reached into your nightstand drawer and pulled out your hair brush. "Sit up a little for me darling." He instructed, helping you find a comfortable position for you to sit in.

Once you were seated comfortably he accioed a small decanter of water next to him and poured the tiniest bit on your head so he could glide the brush through it easier. He gently worked the brush through your hair making sure not to pull too hard while still getting the knots out of your hair. You moaned in appreciation as he massaged your scalp.

"There all the knots are out." He said, running his fingers through your hair with no issues. "Now, what else can I do to make you feel a little better?"

"Read to me." You glanced towards the book on the table.

"How about we get you in a bath first then I will read to you?" He suggested.

"That's a good idea." You agreed. He helped you stand and  guided you to the bathroom and sat you down on the toilet while he filled the tub with hot water. The stem coming from the tub helped to open your sinus a little and the thought of the warm water on your aching muscles sounded so good.

Severus put some bubbles, and essential oils in the tub and once the smell hit his nostrils he turned back to you.

"Okay darling, let's get you out of these clothes." He helped you lift your shirt up and over your head. He let the shirt fall next to you and started placing little kisses on your neck. You put your hand in his hair as you moved your head to the side to give him better access. 

"Mmm." You moaned. Severus pulled away and helped you out of your pants and set you in the tub.

"How's that feeling?"  He asked, kneeling by your side and running his hand down your hair.

"Feels good." You mumbled, letting yourself sink down further into the warm water as Severus continued to massage your scalp.

"Soak until the water gets cool then we can get you dried off and relax in bed for a while. I'll read to you and we can talk about whatever you want." He whispered, kissing the side of your head. You nodded and soon you were so relaxed in the water that you were only seconds from falling asleep when Severus gave you a little nudge.

"Hm?" You mumbled.

"As much as I'd like you to rest, I'd rather you not drown in my presence. So how about we get you out of the tub and into bed so you can sleep safely if you so wish?" Severus suggested.

"Okay."  You yawned.

Severus helped you out of the tub and sat you on the toilet so he could dry you off as best as he could. You tried to tell him you could do it yourself but he insisted after seeing just how weak you were from being so sick. He dried you off and helped you into some comfy pajamas then tucked you back into bed. He pulled you onto his chest and let you cuddle up to him. Then he grabbed the book off your nightstand and started to softly read to you. He could tell that you were going to fall asleep again since your eyes were almost fully closed by the time he opened the book.

"Goodnight my love, I'll be here when you wake up." He whispered, kissing your ear. He stayed by your side all night fully intending to be there when you woke next.

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