Severus Snape

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"Mm this is nice." You said, sitting on Severus' lap distracting him from marking papers. Something you both should have been doing.

"You're not being a very good assistant, distracting me from finishing my marking Miss Y/L/N." He commented as he nuzzled his face into your neck.

"Mm, hush you know you love this as much as I do." You ran your fingers through his soft jet black hair, massaging his scalp. He leaned forward encouraging the attention. You started placing little kisses all over his face.

"This is certainly a lot nicer than when you're running around as a dog trying to trip me with your tail." He teased, thinking back to this morning when you were running around in your animagus form all excited and ran through his legs almost tripping him.

"I am not a dog, I'm a woIf and I couldn't help it, I was excited. My sister is finally having a baby, I'm going to be an aunt!" You exclaimed again.

"Yes but why run around in your animagus form?"

"You know it happens when I get excited." You punched him in the shoulder.

"I'm only teasing, now be a good pup and get some more ink. We do need to work on these." He chuckled, kissing your nose.

"I'm not a pup, I'm a wolf." You growled.

"Yes, yes, most terrifying especially when you're in heat, all needy, moody and horny." He got up behind you and reached over you for the inkpot which he had placed on the top shelf where you couldn't reach.

"Shut it." You smack his arm once again.

"Um.. Severus." You pointed outside where you saw three students walking towards the whomping willow, you both knew full well who the students were.

"Oh for Merlin's sake, those three are a pain in my ass even when they're not in my classroom." He huffed.

"Let's go get them... Wait, is that Remus?" You asked, watching a man follow them out not long after.

"I knew it! He's helping Black." Severus growled.

"Now let's not jump to any conclusions, maybe he saw the kids like us and is going to help." You suggested.

"Do you truly believe that?" Severus asked, raising an eyebrow.

"No, but I want to give him the benefit of the doubt... Just come on." You rushed him out of the classroom.

You made your way to the whomping willow, following the track where one of them was dragged by a dog. Most likely Ron. You followed the muddy footprints until you heard voices. Sirius Black was yelling at Remus about what sounded like... Killing Harry. You were shocked, Remus always seemed to care so deeply for the boy. Severus didn't waste a second bursting into the room and disarming Black of his wand.

"I knew you helped him into the castle, I tried to tell Dumbledore but Merlin forbid he ever listen to me." Severus mocked. You stood behind him, waiting and listening.

"After you." He motioned for Harry and his friends to leave. You heard a loud crash and came in to see Severus passed out after being flung several feet into what looked like a bedpost.

"Harry James Potter!" You yelled.

"Harry, you attacked a teacher!" Hermoine exclaimed.

"Oh my God Severus!" You rushed to his side and cradled his head on your thigh. "What were you thinking!" You screamed, making the boy jump.

"Y/N?" Sirius gasped having not seen you in so long.

"Stay away from me. You wanted nothing to do with me, remember. I was the sibling that was going to end up in Azkaban along with Regulus, isn't that what you used to always say. You and your disgusting Gryffindor pals. Look how things turned out, you ended up in Azkaban and Regulus died a hero! Not that anyone knows or even cares. So you can stay away from me because I am finally happy no thanks to you and I will not allow you to ruin it. I have Severus, we are happy and I won't let you hurt him anymore!"

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