Sinclair Bryant

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It’s been 5 years since Sinclair divorced Natalie after finding out she was having an affair with her brother.  In that time you and Sinclair got close and you ended up confessing your feelings to him.  Sinclair’s parents were friends with your parents, so you’ve known Sinclair since you were a toddler.  You’ve had a crush on him since your teens but you never had a chance to tell him until he divorced Natalie.  In the 5 years since the Divorce you and Sinclair started dating, got engaged and got married.  It’s been 3 weeks since your wedding and unfortunately you still haven’t been away on your honeymoon.  You had important meetings and presentations to do at work and you couldn’t just leave the country for 2 weeks to go to the Bahamas with your husband.   Sinclair understood you couldn’t go right away and he was okay with that.  He knew you would get there as soon as your affairs at work were over.  He saw how stressed you were about work.  You stayed up half the night staring at your computer trying to get things in order so there was no chance of you messing up in your meetings.  You barely ate, or left your office, he was constantly bringing you food and water begging you to eat and drink.  There were a couple times he hid your laptop, or took it off the charger at night when you weren’t looking so you could calm down and cuddle with him a little bit.  

It was the day of your last presentation, which was also your biggest.  You stood in the kitchen that morning pacing while Sinclair made breakfast.  After a nice long pep talk from your handsome husband you were on your way.  You’d been gone for several hours now and Sinclair was waiting patiently for you to come home.  An hour or so later you came in and immediately laid down face first on your bed.  You were so thankful it was all over now.  

“Hey princess, how did it go?”  Sinclair asked, sitting beside you and rubbing your back soothingly.  

“It went well.  I’m just exhausted and so glad it's over.  I can’t wait to get away from here, just the two of us.”  You said turning your head to finally look at him.

“I can’t wait either.  I’ll call Carlos in a little while and tell him that we're leaving tomorrow.  He should be able to get the plane ready by then.  For now however, take a nap.  I’ll order some chinese food.  Do you want teriyaki chicken or sweet and sour chicken?” 

“Teriyaki chicken sounds good.  Thank you love.”  You answered exhaustedly.  

“Your welcome darling, get some sleep I’ll come get you when the food is almost here.  I love you.”

“I love you too.”  With that he left you to get some rest.  Later that night you both sat down together and ate.  Afterwards you both went to bed, putting on the tv and deciding on a silly comedy to watch.  

“We leave tomorrow around noon.”  Sinclair broke the silence.  

“That sounds perfect.  I love you so much, thank you for being patient.  I know you wanted to be sitting on a beach right now.”  You were so grateful to have such an understanding husband.  

“You love your job.  I know it causes you stress and I wish you would learn to take care of yourself and work hard.  But sitting on a beach isn’t as important as you doing what you love.”  He insisted, kissing your forehead.  You both fell asleep after putting the Tv on a timer, knowing that if you didn’t you’d fall asleep leaving the Tv on all night like you always did. 

The next morning you felt someone laying small kisses on your face.  At first you thought it was a piece of lint.  You felt it on your forehead, nose, cheeks and lips. The kisses continued down your chin and neck until you opened your eyes.  

“Mmm, babyyyy! What are you doing?”  You groaned  trying to turn away from his kiss attack.  He got on top of you straddling your hips and continuing to attack you with little kisses.

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