Lionel Shabandar

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Harry has been your best friend for most of your life, he was very protective of you.  He treated you like you were his younger sister.  You opened a coffee shop two doors up from Shabandar industries.  Every morning Harry walked you to work where you opened the cafe and made him the same sugar filled latte.  Then he would leave and head to work, after he got off he would stop by the cafe and walk you home.  You left your apartment before sunrise and you closed the cafe after sunset so Harry wouldn’t let you walk to or from the cafe alone.  

The cafe had been open for over a month and Harry made sure to tell everyone he worked with about it which helped you a lot.  Every morning you had workers from Shabandar industries in your cafe for their morning coffee.  However one morning someone came in who you didn’t recognize.  He was tall, maybe about the same height as Harry. Gorgeous white and silver hair, and a very expensive looking suit.  He looked at the menu and your eyes were glued to him the entire time.  He was so attractive.  

“Goodmorning, how are you?”  He spoke with a voice velvety smooth. 

“G-goodmorning.  What can I get for you?”  You stuttered, which already had you embarrassed.  He however thought it was rather adorable.  

“Well I normally just get a large balck coffee but I was hoping to try something different.  A little sweeter.  Any flavors you can suggest?”  He gave you a little side smile.  

“Well caramel is always a favorite, but my favorite is the pistachio.”  You said enthusiastically.  

“I guess I’ll try that then.  You seem very confident with it.”  He chuckled at your cheery attitude.  


“Perfect, hot or iced?”

“Hot, perhaps one day I’ll be adventurous enough to try iced.”  He mused.

“Don’t worry, we’ll get you there.”  You teased, which made him look down and smile.  “Cream or sugar?”  

“No thank you, just black with the pistachio.”  

“Okay, can I have a name?”  You asked a little shyly.  

“Lionel.  Would you like my number to go with it?”  He was flirting. He thought for sure you’d be too shy to say yes even though he had every intention to give it to you.  

“Well I don’t need it for your order, but if you’d like me to have it for personal use then yes.”  You flirted back.  You giggled at his facial expression, he surely thought you were going to be a blushing mess but you showed him.  His shocked expression quickly turned to admiration.  He liked women who could hold their own.  If he didn’t want you before he sure wanted you now.  

“Well then.”  He pulled out a business card, turned it over and started writing on the back.  “This is my work number and on the back of my cell phone.  I’d love to hear from you?”  

“Y/N.”  You blushed, making him smile at you.  You took one of your business cards from your apron and wrote your cell phone number on the back of it.  You handed each other your cards.  

“Let me just be straight forward.  I’d like to take you out to dinner. How does tonight sound?”  Lionel asked.  

“Tonight would be great.  I close at 6:30.”  You agreed.

“I get off around the same time, I can just meet you here if you’d like?”  He suggested.    

“That sounds great, I just have to tell my friend since he normally walks me home.”  You replied, looking over to Harry who was sitting at a table by the window.  

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