Hans X Jamie

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Idk what this is.


Falling over 20 stories, it takes less than 5 seconds to fall that far but somehow it feels like an eternity. You have enough time to realize your life is over then you hit the ground… But when Hans hit the ground he wasn’t dead. He was in excruciating pain but he wasn’t dead.  His pain shot through his entire body and was so intense he could hardly move. He groaned in pain and tried to crawl away; he only made it a few feet before you found him.  

“Oh my God.”  Was all he heard before everything went black.  

“Where am I?” He thought as he looked around the room.  “I’m in a hospital, I can’t be in a hospital they’ll find me here.”  He pulled at his IV’s without even taking a moment to look over the state he was in. His left leg and right arm were in a cast, his ribs were in a brace and he had a bandage over a cut on his left temple. 

He tried to hobble to the bathroom but with the amount of pain he was in it took twice as long.  Once he made it inside he grabbed a little plastic razor and shaved off half his mustache and ran his fingers through his hair to make it fluffy. It changed his appearance just enough to make it so people would really have to look at him to know who he was.

When he came out of the bathroom all he could think of was that he had to get out of there.  He tried to get his things and get out of the room but as he was limping his way to the door you came walking through. 

“You should not be up.” You said, placing down your board and helping him back into bed.

“I have to go, I have places to be.”  

“I found you and brought you here. You have a severe concussion and several broken bones you cannot leave until someone who can take care of you comes to pick you up.”  You insisted as you started to check his eyes and reflexes.

“I can’t stay here, I can’t afford it.”  He lied.  “I also don’t have anyone who can pick me up. I live alone, I have no living family.”

“I’m sorry to hear that. But unless someone signs for you I can’t let you leave with such a bad concussion, you’re not in your right mind. What’s your name?”

“Jamie.”  He lied.  “Can’t you just sign for me?”  He pushed.

“Only someone who’s staying with you can sign. Is there anyone you came here with?”  

“I came alone, I have nowhere to stay, I haven't gotten that far yet.”  

“I’ll sign for you, but you're coming home with me so I can keep an eye on you today.”  You thought out loud.

“What time is it?” He asked, rubbing his head. 

“It’s 9am, you’ve been sleeping for over 9 hours. I found you on the sidewalk when I was walking to work. I brought you here and decided to pick up some extra hours so I could check on you once you woke up.”  You explained as you sat beside him on the bed to look over some of his injuries.

“Thank you.”  

“You’re welcome. I’ll go sign you out and bring a wheelchair so we can get you out of here.”  You stood from the bed and got all his forms in order.

After signing his release forms you clocked out and took him back to your house where he could rest and you could keep an eye on him for a couple days to make sure the concussion didn’t have any after effects

You set him up in one of the spare rooms. It was music themed since your brother designed it when he used to live with you.  There were records on the walls and jazz posters. There was a cello and guitar in the corner.  

“Would you like something to eat?”  You asked, helping him sit down on the bed and lifting his legs up under the covers. 

“That would be nice, thank you.”  He groaned, everything ached.  

“Okay I’ll be back.”  You smiled and went to the kitchen to make him something. You couldn’t deny he was handsome and his accent was just adorable. You cooked up some pasta and took it to his room. You saw him sitting on the edge of the bed with the cello. He held it against his cast and strummed it with his other hand.  

“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to pry, I just.”  He mumbled once he noticed your presents in the room.

“Do you play?”  You asked, setting the tray down on the nightstand. 

“No but for some reason I just feel like I should, like I can.”  He murmured as if he didn’t even know what he was saying. 

“Why don’t you give it a try?”  You suggested as you sat beside him.  He nodded his head and attempted to play something. To both your surprise he played something good. It sounded like a professional cello player.

“I thought you said you’ve never played?”

“I haven’t.”  

“Then how did you?”

“I don’t know.”  He confessed. After thinking for a moment you took into consideration his concussion. People have been known to be able to do extraordinary things after having a concussion.  

“I think your concussion might be why. Many people have been known to be able to speak other languages and play instruments and do many other amazing things after having a concussion.  I think your concussion is why you can play the cello all of a sudden.”  You explained.

“That’s amazing.”

Jamie stayed with you for the next 3 days. You didn’t have anyone and neither did he, all you both had was each other and after 3 days you both felt like that’s all either of you needed. You became close friends and by the time his concussion was almost healed you found yourself asking him if he’d like to stay.

“You want to keep me around?”  He asked.

“Well we get along and I have been looking for a roommate. You said you didn’t have a place to stay or anyone around here so I mean… It was just a thought you don’t have to feel pressured by.”

“I’d love to. I quite like it here.”  He smiled.

“I like having you here, listening to you play the cello has become my new favorite pastime.”

“Y/N, I’ll be honest… I care for you but as more than a friend.”  He confessed.

“I care for you as more than a friend to Jamie, I was just too scared to say anything….So where does this leave us?”  

“If you let me kiss you it means I'm officially yours darling.” He teased.  

“Then you better get your lips over here.”  You smirked.  He leaned in and kissed you.  

“Perfect.”  He smiled.

“Perfect.” You echoed.

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