Detective David Friedman

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Walking home from work at night was something you hated. You rarely ever had to do it since you typically worked morning shifts at the diner, but tonight someone had called off and you could use the extra money so you decided to work a double.  Walking down the road it had started to rain, great.  You had no umbrella or coat since the rain wasn’t supposed to start until well after your shift had ended.  Now you were 5 blocks from your apartment and already soaked in the cold November air. You had another block to your apartment when a car stopped beside you.

“Hey it's freezing out here, why don’t you let me give you a ride home?”  A man yelled out of his car window. There was another man in the passenger side of the car and you did not like the way either of them were looking at you.

“Thank you but I’m fine, I’m almost home.”  You yelled back over the rain. He stopped the car and ran over to you.

“Come on babe, it’s freezing, you'll catch a cold.”  He grabbed your wrist to stop you from walking away from him.

“It’s okay I’m not far from home. Let go of my wrist please.”  

“Why are all you women so difficult?  Just get in the fucking car.”  He demanded trying to pull you to the car. His grip on your wrist was brutal, it felt like he was crushing your bones.

“Let me go.” You tried to unclasp his hand from your wrist.  Just as the passenger door opened another car pulled up next to you.  You had been trying so desperately to untangle your wrist from the man you didn’t see the other man approaching until the man holding your arm was on the ground.  The man in the passenger side of the car saw the commotion and decided to stay in the car. 

"Are you okay?”  

“David.”  You threw yourself into his arms. “How did you find me?”  You asked, pulling away and holding his face.

“You didn’t come home so I’ve been driving the route you take to and from work for over an hour looking for you.”  He helped you into his car. Once you were in the car he grabbed a blanket from the back and put it over you making sure to rub your arms to warm you up faster.  Once he got in himself he blasted the heat and started driving back to your apartment.  When he got you inside he sat you down at the table and started making some hot coffee.

“Why didn’t you call me and tell me you were staying to work a double? Then not only do you not tell me but you walk home alone in the dark, in the rain.  Y/N, what were you thinking?  What would have happened if I hadn’t found you in time?  Do you know what those men might have done to you?  You could’ve been raped, kidnapped, killed. You know better.  You know I would have been there in an instant to give you a ride home.” He scolded.  

“I’m sorry David, I didn’t think about it. They asked me after I took my break so I couldn’t text you. I wanted to call you on the diners phone but I didn’t want to distract you from work so I figured I’d just wait and if I had a free moment I would text you but we were busy all night. By the time we closed I just wanted to clean up and come home. My feet were aching so bad and I wanted to just sit down, eat and relax.”  You explained. 

“Listen, you are my girlfriend, the woman that I love. You and Lily are the two most important things on this Earth to me.  If something happens I want you to call or text me no matter the time, or the place. I will never be angry at you for needing my help or for letting me know you're okay.”  He took your hand but even that little bit of movement made you wince in pain.  

“Ouch.” You said slowly.

“Let me see.”  He lifted your sleeve gently to take a look. He let out a huff. “I think it’s broken darling. We need to take you to the ER.”

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