Metatron Pt.2

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The next morning you woke up feeling even more alone than normal.  Ezekiel came to see you, but he was gone now and your heart ached.  You would give anything to spend just one whole day with him.  Seeing him again was nice, but it also reminded you of all the things you wanted but could never have.  You have had vivid dreams of the life you wanted with him.  Dreams of standing on the altar and saying your vows to one another.  Of saying I do, and sealing your vows with a kiss.  You have had dreams of telling Ezekiel that you were pregnant, of watching your baby bump grow, having your child and watching them run around.  

Waking up you got out of bed and sat at your kitchen table, you couldn’t eat, you just weren’t hungry.  You just stared out the window, you missed the sun, soaking in it, feeling it on your face.  It had been so long since you went out for a walk and just explored, but you knew it would be selfish of you to do so.  Bad things happened when you left the house and you couldn’t do that to anyone.  Letting out a long sigh you got up from the table and wandered around the house.  What could you do?  At this point you didn’t even bother getting changed, what was the point? It's not like you were going anywhere.

“What are my options?”  Ezekiel asked. 

“Well, she can either die and come here, and have a home here with you in Heaven like you asked.  Or, you go back to Earth, I will give you your…. Human anatomy back and you can live out the life that was taken from you.  However you still have to do as I say.  Spread my word and perform miracles where I tell you to.  There's something else, When your last child turns 18 you will both return here to Heaven.  I’m giving you the option to live out your fantasy.”

“What about when Y/N leaves the house?  You know bad things happen when she leaves the house.  We can’t raise a child from the confines of our home, they won’t be happy in a life like that.”

“I will take her curse from her, she’s lived with it long enough.  The question you need to ask her is if she wants the life that was robbed from you, or if she’s ready to let go.  If she’s ready to come home.”  

“I’ll talk to her tonight, and we’ll decide together.  She’s tired, she’s worn down so no matter what she decides I will support.  She deserves nothing but my support after everything she’s been through.”  

“You would have been a good husband to her Ezekiel.”  God complimented, stopping him in his tracks.

“Then why didn’t you let me stay?  Why did you take me from Earth so suddenly?”  

“Because you would have died, and it would have been Y/N’s fault.  Had you stayed you would have hurt her more when you left.  At least this way when you died she couldn’t blame herself for it.”  He explained.  “I have done my best to look out for her, unfortunately I cannot interfere with free will.  That is the blessing I gave all my children, and even though she’s not one of mine I cannot take her free will.  She has the choice to do as she wants with her body and with her life.  I cannot change that. “

“Why did you put me in her path?”  Ezekiel asked, running his hand through his hair.

“Because I knew you would be the one to save her.  I knew you would love her selflessly and never give up on her.  When I put you in her path she was in a very conflicting time in her life.  A time where she could have chosen to stay good or to become everything Satan intended her to be.  Putting you in her life gave her something to stay good for.  She was kind and selfless before you met her but she didn’t know love.  She hated herself and because she hated herself she didn’t know how to love.  In the few months you spent with her you filled her with so much love, and hope.  You saved her.”  Ezekiel had tears rolling down his cheeks. 

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