Severus Snape

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You were sitting on his desk in the middle of the night as you did most nights. You'd meet in his classroom and he'd take you to his chambers where you'd cuddle the night away or make love. It started out so innocent, you had a crush on your professor and he found out. As much as he wanted to deny his feelings he couldn't he had feelings for you as well. Keeping it a secret wasn't so hard considering you were a prized student of his and was frequently in his class to study or have extra lessons with him. You would use that time to steal kisses and sit on his lap while he taught you.

It was now well past curfew and he had just pulled you off his desk and onto his lap. He cupped your face and peppered little kisses on your face and lips. He knew how much you loved little gentle kisses, so he reserved them for when you've had a bad day like today.

He caught you outside the castle wandering the grounds admiring the winter scenery. He saw you staring in wonder as the snow covered trees and ground, you did this every year. A few students approached you and started to pick on you. They knocked your books out of your hands into the snow, wetting the pages and damaging your personal notes. You plucked your books from the snow and ran back to the castle as they threw snowballs at you the whole time. Severus wanted to intervene, but he wouldn't have done it for a normal student and he didn't want anyone to get suspicious if he did it for you.

The day just got worse from there, you were so upset that you failed your transfigurations exam. No matter what you did you just couldn't stay focused after all the things they said to you and now your books were ruined and you were scared you were going to get in trouble.

You went to him after curfew since you had his class before the incident outside occured. Once in his room you told him about the day you had and he listened intently and held you. He was now peppering kisses on your face and neck to try and make you feel better.

"I'm sorry you had a bad day." He whispered against your ear.

"It's okay, you're making it better."

"That's because I love you."

"I love you too. Are you in the mood tonight?" You teased, kissing below his ear.

"Mm it seems like you are. Does having a bad day make you horny." He teases.

"You make me horny." You rub your hands over his firm chest. "You're so sexy, I can't help but throw my panties at you everytime I see you." You whispered, biting his earlobe.

"What a naughty little minx you are. I ought to bend you over this desk and." A sudden knock at the door pulled him from his thoughts and you off his lap. You practically threw yourself over the desk to stand on the other side as Filch entered.

"If I see you wandering the castle after curfew again I won't be so lenient Miss Y/L/N. 2 points will be taken from Slytherin, now out with you!" He yelled, you did everything you could to not snicker under your breath as you ran past Filch looking upset.

"Is there something I can do for you Filch?"

"I was just wondering why you had a student in your classroom so late at night, she's been in here for a while." He pried.

"I don't see how that's any of your concern." He replied in his usual monotone voice.

"Well I guess we'll just see what Dumbledor thinks about you having a female student in your room after curfew... With a silencing charm in the room." How could he possibly know Severus had put a silencing charm on the room?

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