A little chaos 🍋

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"Hello my queen."  Your husband, the King of France, said as he got into bed. 

"Hello darling.  I see you've been busy today."  You mumbled into the pages of your book.  He furrowed his brows when he noticed your annoyed tone as he pulled the covers over you both. He knew you were angry at him, however he couldn't think of what he could have done to upset you. 

"Darling. You don't have to be so passive aggressive, you can just tell me what I did to upset you." He turned to you, taking the book from your hand and setting it on his nightstand. 

"I think you have something to tell me first?"  You asked, crossing your arms.


"I heard you talking to one of you people earlier. About wanting another child."

"Yes. Is that a problem?" He's confused, he knows you've always wanted a bigger family and right now you only have 2 young daughters.

"Louis, why would we have more children when you don't even make time for the 2 that you have?"

"I pay plenty of attention to our children and you." He argues.

"Really? Well last time I checked I was the parent who has been taking care of a sick child all day while you have been nowhere to be found. You know she spent most the day asking for you?" You turned away from him.

"I'm sorry. You know how busy I can be, and I wish I could be here with you and our children but I can't always make it happen." He puts his hand on your shoulder and turns you to face him. "My absence doesn't mean I love you any less."

"No but it does show that we are not your priority. Your daughter has been miserable all day and all she wanted was for her father to come hold her for a bit. Or at least come check on her!"

"I know, I'm sorry."  He exhaled.

"You shouldn't be saying this to me, you should be saying it to your daughter when she wakes up in the morning.  Hopefully feeling much better than she's been feeling today." 

"I will."

"Louis, you know I love you. I know you're busy running an entire country but we miss you. Me and the children. There are so many things that you've missed, so many things the children and I wish you could be here for.  We miss you."  Louis started to run his hand through your hair.

"I know, I miss my girls as well. I promise that I will make time for you and the girls.  I do wish for another child, but if you're not ready or do not want another then I will respect that." 

"I want more children, but if I agree to have more children then I want you to promise me that you will make time for us, and you will be present during my pregnancy. I do not want to be raising a baby and 2 toddlers on my own. It is not fair to me to have to do so. Promise me that, and I will do my best to give you more children." 

"I promise that I will make time for you, and that I will be there more to help with the children and to help you through your pregnancy. I am going to be here for you because you and those little girls are my priority. I'm sorry I made you believe otherwise. You have been and always will be the most important thing in my life."  He assures you. 

"That is all I ask for my love."

"So does that mean"

"Mumma." Your Eldest daughter Maria called out, rubbing her eyes as she stood in your doorway.

"What's the matter darling?"  You asked, sitting up to get a better look at her.

"I threw up mumma."  She whined. She was so embarrassed.

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