Lionel Shabandar

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Tonight is the night of the Shabandar company party.  You had begged Lionel to let you host a halloween party and after weeks and weeks of constant begging he finally said yes.  Lionel always held a christmas party because Christmas was his favorite holiday, even though he would never admit it.  He insisted he only held the Christmas party because any decent company holds a Christmas party for its employees but in truth Christmas was his favorite holiday and he’d hold a party regardless if it was “proper” or not.  But halloween, Halloween was your favorite holiday and your poor husband Lionel knew just how into the holiday you got.  Every year you would drag him to a pumpkin patch, and an apple orchard, and to at least one haunted house which he hated.  

So tonight is the night of the party and normally you would just have it at your house but sadly the part of the house where you and your husband always held parties in was under construction at the moment.  The walls were being painted and the floor redone.  So instead of having it at your house you and Lionel had decided it would be best to have the party at a bar.  Every party you and your husband hosted was always open bar so Lionel rented out the entire bar for the party.  You dragged Lionel with you two hours before the party to help you set up.  You had cobwebs, smoke machines, skeletons, candy corn, and all sorts of other decorations and fun snacks.  Lionel of course didn’t understand any of it but if it made you happy then fine.  You and Lionel spent a little over two hours setting up for the party before you went into the bathroom to get changed.  

You talked Lionel into dressing up as Gomez and Morticia from the Addams family for the party.  And what you mean by “Talked him into it” you switched out his actual suit with the costume suit so he wouldn’t have any choice but to wear it. You were in the middle of finishing your makeup when Lionel came into the girls bathroom, given you were the only two people in the bar at the moment but still.

“Y/N, what is this?”  He asked, holding up the suit.  

“It’s your costume, I told you we were going as Gomez and Morticia.”  

“You never said that.”  

“Didn’t I.”  You said in a way that he knew you were lying.

“Fine, I’ll wear it.  Even though it looks absolutely ridiculous.”  He said throwing the suit over his shoulder and going into a stall to change.  

“Um mister this is the girls room.” 

“Ma’am I don’t care. Be good or I’ll spank you.”  He sassed.

“Mm, tempting but the party will start soon so I’ll have to politely decline.”  You winked at him.

“Perhaps if you're good I’ll give you extra spanking tonight.”  Lionel said inside the stall.

“Looking forward to it.” 

After getting changed you were ready for the guests to arrive, all the snacks were out, all the decorations were lit, the bartender was at his post, it was perfect.  The guests started arriving in small groups, all of them dressed in their costumes which you loved.  Some of them coordinated with each other which was so cute in your opinion.  There was a group dressed as the people from scooby doo, others were dressed as the cast of supernatural.  There was one couple dressed as Bonnie and Clyde which was now going to be yours and Lionel’s costumes for next year, he just didn’t know it yet. The music was all dark dance music which everyone seemed to be enjoying because the dance floor was pretty much full.  You and Lioenl were at the bar sharing a couple drinks and snacks.  

“The snacks you made are really good darling.”  Lionel said, taking another bite of his pretzel.

“It’s a witch finger darling.”  You corrected him.  

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