A Little Chaos PT. 2

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The morning sun shone through your window right onto your face. You moaned and rolled over, pressing your face into your husband's naked chest in an attempt to escape the morning sun. You felt your husband stir under you as you pushed yourself further into him.  He opened his eyes and chuckled at you.  He pulled up the blankets over both your naked forms, wrapping his arms around you so you could sleep a little longer.  Closing his eyes he let himself doze back off to sleep.  

“Papa, papa.”  Your daughter shook him awake.  

“What’s wrong love? How are you feeling?” He asked, wiping the sleep from his eyes.  

“I don’t feel good papa. Will you lay with me?”  She asked. Her voice was weak and she sounded all clogged up.  

“Of course my sweet. Go back to your room papa will be there in a moment.”  He replied. Once she left the room he got out of bed as quietly as possible as to not wake you.  He quietly got dressed then glanced back to your sleeping form on the bed.  A smile met his lips when he saw how disheveled the bed was after the active night you had.  He smiled and left the room to go be with your daughter.  

“You’re still warm. Honey papa will be right back, I’m going to have the maid call for a doctor.”  He left the room and found one of the maids.

“Nancy, my daughter is still ill, please call a doctor and have them sent here.”  He instructed.  

“Yes my lord, I’ll have them brought here right away.”  The maid scurried off to call for a doctor.

“Awe my poor girl.  Don’t worry Nancy is calling for a doctor now, you’re going to be okay darling.”  He leaned down and kissed her head as he ran his fingers through her hair.  

“I don’t feel well papa.”  She whined.  

“I know my sweet.  Come here.” He pulled her so her back rested against his chest.  

“Your warm papa.”  She mumbled, relishing in the warmth of her father.  

“I know your cold honey, don’t worry papa will keep you warm.”  He ran his fingers soothingly through her hair.

Back in your room you woke up to a cold bed.  Opening your eyes you sigh in defeat thinking your husband had gone back to work without waking you up to say goodbye.  You got up and got dressed for the day then went to your daughters room to check on her. When you opened the door your heart melted when you saw your daughter asleep on your husband's chest as he played with her hair.

“Well isn’t this a sight for sore eyes.”  You whispered as you sat next to them on the bed.  

“I had Nancy call for a doctor, our sweet girl still isn’t feeling well and she’s still running a fever.”  He put his arm around your shoulder and pulled you to lay against his shoulder.  The three of you stayed cuddled up together until the doctor came.  

“I hear a certain someone isn’t feeling well.” The doctor said, giving a light tap on the door before entering.  

“She’s had a fever the past two days and has been throwing up. I really don’t want this to get any worse.”  Louis told the doctor.

“Well we don’t want that either. Let’s see what we can do for you little lady.”  You and Louis both got off the bed and let the doctor do his examination.  He checked her heart beat and blood pressure, looking in her throat and nose.  

“Papa I’m scared.”  Your daughter cried, grabbing onto her fathers hand. Forever a daddy's girl.  

“I know my sweet, I know but there’s no need to be scared. This is a doctor who’s going to tell me and mumma how to make you feel better.”  he insisted, sitting next to her on the bed once again.  

“It’s just a cold. She should feel fine within the next couple days.  Keep a cool compress on her head and make sure to wash her hands often.  Feed her broth every few hours, she may not feel like drinking it but she needs to drink at least a little to keep her strength up.  She’ll be cold but if her fever keeps up then don’t let her cover herself with many blankets, one is more than enough.  I estimate in about 3 days she’ll be as good as gold my lord.”  The doctor told you and your husband after you were all out in the hallway.  

“Thank you for coming.”  Louis shook his hand.  

“Of course my lord.  I’ll take my leave.”  He then followed the maid Nancy out.  You and Louis went back to sit at your daughter's bedside. 

“Mumma.”  Your other daughter Victoria called from the doorway.

“Yes love?”  

“Will you come have breakfast with me?”  She asked, not wanting to eat alone since you and Louis were both with your other daughter.

“Of course darling I’ll be there in a moment okay?”

“Okay mumma.”  

“I’m going to go eat with her, please stay here with Maria. It’s been a long time since she’s gotten to spend the day with you.”  You told him as you got up and followed Victoria to the dining room.  

Louis stayed with Maria as he promised. He let her sit against his shoulder as he fed her some broth.  After she finished he snuggled up with her under the covers. She loved her father more than any other human and would do anything to have his attention.  He made her feel safe. To her he wasn’t the king he was just papa and that’s all she wanted him to be.  

She was just starting to fall asleep when one of her fathers men came in.  He kneeled by the bed to talk to her father.  

“My lord you are needed in the.”  

“No David. I need to be here today with my family. My daughter is sick and my wife is with our other daughter. It is not fair of me to continue to put all the responsibility on her.”  He cut him off.

“But my lord, the country is your responsibility.”  He argued.

“If I cannot run the country and be a family man then maybe I shouldn’t be both but I am and I need to divide my time equally. My daughter is sick and this is where I need to be right now.  Whatever it is you came to tell me I am sure one of you can figure it out. I have many capable men.  Unless it is something that honestly can’t wait I do not wish to be disturbed. I am spending the day with my daughter.”  He instructed before sending his servant away.  

“Papa.”  His daughter called from beside him.

“Yes my sweet.”  

“I love you papa. Thank you for spending the day with me.”  She was all smiles, having her father with her was all she could ever want.  

“Of course my darling. I love spending time with you and your mother and sister.” He kissed her head then replaced the cold compress on her head. She started to fall back to sleep once again.  He didn’t know you were in the doorway listening to him and your daughter.  He got up to let her get some proper rest and walked over to you.  

“Thank you. It makes me happy and the girls happy to see you as papa and Louis instead of king Louis of France. I know it certainly means a lot to me.”  You both walked back to your room together. 

“I like it as well.  King is an honorable title, but the title I am most proud of is papa.”  

“And husband?”  

“Especially husband. How could I not be proud to be the husband of the most wonderful, beautiful, perfect woman the Lord ever did create?”  He took both your hands and sat you both down on the edge of the bed.  He brought both your hands to his lips and kissed them both. 

“My sweet Louis, forever the sweet talker.”  

“Only for you my love.”  

“You’ve been so good to us today I think you’ve earned yourself another productive night in bed.”  You winked at him.

“Oh, I can’t wait.”  He smirked.

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