Severus Snape

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You and Severus had been dating for a little over 2 months now, but you had feelings for each other long before that.  You had been teaching at Hogwarts for three years now and you have had feelings for Severus since day one.  Severus felt the same, however he would never tell you, but you knew.  You noticed the longing looks and the passing glances he would give you.  How he was a lot nicer to you than he was to students and other teachers.  He even smiled at you, that was the dead give away because anyone could tell you that Severus Snape never smiled.  

It's now been 2 months that you and Severus have officially been dating and you couldn’t be happier.  You loved him, you really truly did, with every part of yourself.  However you had something you had to tell him.  It was a pretty big secret that you had kept from everyone aside from the headmaster.  You didn’t want to tell Severus and risk pushing him away, not until you knew for sure that he wouldn’t leave you. Now that you knew he loved you, you figured it would be a perfect time to tell him.  

It was now March and you had been lucky enough that last month the lunar phases aligned just right so there was no full moon last month.  You were a werewolf, you had been bitten when you were a teen.  You were out one night with your friends exploring an area of woods by your friends house on a full moon.  You were just stupid teens and didn’t bother paying attention to the time of the month.  You remember hearing fast, heavy footsteps coming near you and your friends.  You were the first to see the werewolf coming right for your best friend.  You pushed her out of the way and told them to run.  You were bitten and the next morning your friends and all their parents went out looking for you.  They found you badly hurt and bleeding and took you to St Mungus. Nothing ever changed between you and your friends, you saved their lives and they loved you for who you were now.  

You had every intention of telling Severus today about your… Illness. Severus had spent the night in your chambers last night.  You could hear his gentle snores beside you as he spooned you.  You quietly got out of his embrace so you could get ready for the day.  You had morning classes this term and Severus started classes 2 hours later than you so you tried your best to let him sleep.  

You got ready for the day.  Brushing your hair and your teeth, getting changed into some presentable clothes then writing a note for Severus.  

Good morning love, I have something I want to talk to you about after classes finish today.  It’s nothing bad so don’t worry but I would like to talk about it in private.  I love you, have a good day.


You smiled at the note then quietly left your chambers and went to your first class.  

Halfway through the school day you had a student almost break down in tears in your class.  The poor girl was a muggle born and was so overwhelmed by everything.  She told you she felt like she was so far behind everyone else because no one in her family was like her.  You had her stay after class to calm her down and tell her that she was not alone and a lot of other students were in the same boat as her.  After a bit of encouragement she felt better and was able to go back to class.  

She had defense against the dark arts next which Severus was covering because Remus found himself ill last night.  So instead of leaving the already vulnerable girl to face your lover alone you went with her seeing as your classes for the day were over.  As you reached the class you heard Severus lecturing about werewolves.  You stood outside the door for a moment and listened.

“Werewolves, disgusting creatures. Merlin knows why they exist, good for nothing but destruction and pain.  All the same, they deserve nothing less than to be killed on sight.”  Severus lectured, breaking your heart.  He turned and saw you standing in the doorway.  “Professor Y/L/N, Miss Smith.  You’re late, Miss Smith.”

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