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You have been with your husband Harry for 4 years now and things are going great.  You just came home a month ago from a nice vacation you took to the Bahamas where you spent a lot of mornings cuddled up in your fancy hotel room, afternoons were spent out at the beach and at night you either made love or went out for night walks around the island.  

You’ve been home for almost a month and Harry has had to work ridiculous hours meaning you didn’t see him as often as you liked.  He normally left for work before you woke up and got home after you’ve already settled into bed. 

The past few days you’ve woken up feeling sick. You never actually got sick but you always felt like you could throw up any second. After about a week of this you decided to go out and buy a pregnancy test while Harry was at work. You know he’s wanted a child since the day you got married but you haven’t been having much luck getting pregnant. Maybe this was it, maybe you were finally pregnant after your time in the Bahamas where you spent almost every night in bed together.  

After getting back from the store you took the test immediately. It felt like an eternity before you finally got the results.  Once the timer went off you checked the test… Positive. You were carrying Harry's child. You squealed out loud you were so happy, you knew Harry would be just as happy.  You couldn’t wait to tell him.  You spent almost an hour searching up cute ways to tell him that you were pregnant but decided to just give him the test. Simple, easy, and still cute.  

When Harry got home from work hours later you realized right away that he was deep in thought. He came home late as he usually did anymore and went straight to the bathroom. He didn’t acknowledge you, you didn’t think anything of it, you just assumed he had a bad day and was so deep in thought he wasn't paying attention and to be fair you didn’t do anything to get his attention.  You heard the shower and not long after he finished up and came back into your shared bedroom.  When he opened the door he was surprised to see you awake.  

“Hi darling, why aren’t you asleep?”  He asked, sitting beside you.  

“I couldn’t sleep. I’ve missed you and I have something important to tell you.”  You smiled at him.  

“I have something to tell you too.” You noticed his nervous behavior but didn’t think anything of it since he tended to be uptight when he came home from work.

“You go first.” You rubbed his leg, trying to comfort him.  

“I think it would be best for us to take some time apart.”  He wouldn’t look at you, he couldn’t look at you.  


“Things just haven’t been the same lately. I thought maybe going on vacation would help us to reconnect but it didn’t. It was just mindless sex.”  

“Is that what you think it was? Harry it meant something to me, everything we do together means something to me. What’s going on?”

“I just don’t think we are as close as we used to be.”

“Maybe that’s because you’ve been spending every waking moment at work. We have barely seen each other since we got back from vacation and it was the same way before we left. I admire that you're throwing yourself into your work and that you’re proud of what you do but if we have become distant it’s not because I’m trying to be distant it’s because you're never here Harry.” There was a long pause. “You know how much I love you. If you think I’ve been being distant with you I’m sorry, I never meant to be. We can figure this out, we can change things up and make things more interesting. Spend more time together, go out and have date nights.”

“I just don’t know if that’s going to work Y/N, that was the point of vacation and it didn’t do any good.  I just don’t think we should waste anymore of each other's time.”

“So I was a waste of your time? Our 4 years of marriage and 2 years together before that were a waste of time?” 

“You know that’s not what I mean.”

“Then what do you mean Harry? I’m giving you ideas of ways we could make things work. Of things that could make this better for you because you're the only one who's having a problem. Yes I don’t like that you have been spending all your time at work.. But I’m willing to wait as long as I have to for you to be done. I’m patient. I don’t know why all of a sudden you think we can’t make this work.”  

“We shouldn’t have to make it work Y/N, it should just work.”  

“No Harry, that's not what love is! Love isn’t always easy, giving up is easy. Sometimes love is hard and you have to work through things but you would rather just give up and move on the second things get hard? You want to throw away everything we’ve built because what? You're bored, you're tired, what?” You argued.

“Stop putting words in my mouth. I just don’t think this is working and we need some time apart.”

“Fine, I'll be out of the house by tomorrow night.”  You answered as you got out of the bed and started walking towards the guest room.

“Y/N, you don’t have to do all this.”  

“No Harry, you don’t get to pick and choose when you want space and when you don’t.”  You grabbed your pillow and headed to the door.

“What did you want to tell me?”  He asked before you walked out the door. 

“.....Nothing important.”  You mumbled leaving for the guest room.  


That night was hard. You cried as quietly as possible. You didn’t want Harry to know how much he had hurt you.  You prayed he was only saying these things because he had a bad day.  You had an awful headache from trying to suppress your cries. It made the pressure in your head almost unbearable.  Eventually you fell asleep.  


Back in yours and Harry's room he was wide awake as well. He knew he hurt you, he didn’t want to say the things that were on his mind that night.  He knew what he was feeling wasn’t true, he felt like you were drifting apart and it scared him. He was insecure and even though he had told himself many times that he wouldn’t say anything he couldn’t help it. He knew none of what he said was true. Yes things were hard and you were both distant but it wasn’t your fault it was because of work. He knew it would pass once this big project was over but he had to vent and he did it in the wrong way.  He didn’t explain the way he should’ve. 

He rubbed his temples as he thought about how he could have explained what he was feeling better and what he was going to tell you in the morning. He heard a phone go off and he thought it was his so he went to check. He picked up yours thinking it was his phone since you both had the same lock screen and background. Both were wedding photos. He didn’t see any notifications so he went into google to order some flowers and other things to apologize for how he acted.  When he got to your search history he knew it wasn’t his phone.  After hitting the search bar he saw what you had been looking up recently. 


Baby Clothes


Nursery ideas

Baby Names

How to tell your husband you're pregnant.

He thought back to what you said when he came home that night. “I have something important to tell you” He heard your words in his mind.

“...Oh my God she’s pregnant.”

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