Professor Eli vs P.L 🍋

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The semester had ended several days ago and now it was the start of winter break.  You and Eli had spent a lot of time together but you had also been spending a lot of time with his brother P.L.  You loved watching the theater students practice. P.L noticed your fascination with acting and asked if you wanted to help with the set of their play.  You of course agreed.  You helped set up and made suggestions about where things could go and where people could enter and exit from.  P.L realized you had a natural vision for theater.

Eli was happy you got to experience your dream even if you weren't in the class.  However, this meant you were spending less and less time with him and more time with his little brother.  Eli was insecure, P.L was much closer to your age and you had a lot in common seeing as he was an artistic person and so were you. 

Eli was a scientific person, and he knew how much you hated science.  He realized that trying to share things he thought was important with you was hard because you either didn't understand him or didn't think they were important.  Of course you were always supportive of him because it was something he was passionate about and he appreciated that, but trying to relate to each other was getting harder. He saw how easily you and P.L got along and found things to talk about and it made him jealous.

You and P.L had been working on the set early in the morning.  The students weren't coming in today so you took the opportunity to get some work done.  P.L had memorized your coffee order and bought you both coffee, then later that night he ordered your favorite chinese food.  You were sitting on stage eating dinner hours later when Eli walked inside. 

"Are you finished taking up all Y/N's time?"  Eli growled, crossing his arms. 

"She wants to be here, Eli.  She's doing a great job, she might even enroll in my theater class next semester."  P.L smiled at you.

"What? What about your science classes?"  Eli snapped.

"Eli, I can do both. I have free electives." 

"You barely got through my class last semester with my help.  Now you're going to take up a class that's going to take up all your study time.  What about tutoring?"

"Are you worried it'll take up her study time or her time with you?"  P.L commented.

"You shut your mouth, we were fine before you came along?"  He barked.

"Eli, stop.  You know I've always wanted to be in arts classes, P.L's giving me a chance to do that." 

"On a first name basis now are we?"  He rolled his eyes.

"Eli what's gotten into you?"  You asked, noting his irritated body language. 

"I will not pass you just because we've slept together.  Yes P.L I slept with your little theater companion.  You worked for your grade last semester, you'll do the same this semester or you won't pass then what will daddy say?"  He moaked, knowing the situation with your father was a hard and traumatic one. 

"I told you that in confidence." You sniffled, holding your tears back. 

"That's enough Eli.  I don't care if you've slept with her.  She is a sweet kind woman and you have no right to be treating her this way just because you're obviously jealous of the time we've spent together.

"Whatever, we're done.  Don't come to me for tutoring if you're not going to take this seriously."  Eli fumed leaving the auditorium.  You were in tears. Did he just break up with you?  You'd hadn't been together long but you were close to him, he was beginning to become your first love.  You gave yourself to him. 

"I'm sorry, maybe he's right.  I never meant to make things harder for you. I just want you to be happy and I know theater and arts make you happy."  P.L comforted holding you against his chest. 

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