Hans Gruber

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"Hans. C-can we talk?" You asked nervously.

"Of course, poppet. What's wrong?" He took your hands and pulled you to sit on the couch. "You seem nervous, you know you can tell me anything."

"I.. I know we wanted to wait until we were able to stop running from the Volksfrei. I know we planned on waiting until we had faked our deaths and had the money to start over but I... God, I didn't mean for this to happen. I know the Nakatomi mission is less than a month away I."

"Poppet, you're rambling, just tell me what's going on. You know I won't be mad." He cut you off, squeezing your hands reassuringly.

"Yes you will because it's my fault I ruined all your plans." You sobbed.

"Tell me what's going on."

"I'm pregnant." You sobbed. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry."

"Hey, hey look at me. This is not your fault. It takes two people to make a baby, it's just as much my fault. It might not be the best time but I'm happy poppet. I want a baby with you, the mission is only a week away we'll be okay I promise. We'll be out of here soon, everyone will think we're dead and we'll have started over. I know it's not what we planned but it will work." He took your face in his hands, wiping your tears and making you look at him.

"I want to have a baby so bad but I don't want to ruin things for you."

"You didn't. We will go into this mission in a week and by New year's eve everything will be perfect for our baby." Hans reassured you. "Now come here." He pulled you into a hug and kissed you.

That was the conversation that made this mission so important. You were sitting in the office with Hans, Takagi was dead and a man named John was making things even more difficult. You sat on Hans lap and he had a hand on your belly. Ever since he found out his hand was basically inseparable from your stomach.

"We have a pregnant woman out there." Hans head shot up as Holly spoke. "Don't worry she's not due but the hard floor isn't doing much good for her back." Holly assured him.

"Let them bring a couch in for her. It's hard enough being pregnant, but being pregnant and in pain." You said to Hans, of course he understood. You had been having morning sickness among other things so he can only imagine how hard it is for this woman being that she was so far along.

"Of course, Karl, have a couch brought in for the lady. Anything else I can help you with Miss Genero?" Hans asked.

"I would advise bathroom breaks unless you want a mess." She suggested.

"Of course, Karl will deal with it."

Hours later things had been going so well, the vault was opened, the bags of money were with you Hans while Karl and the others were wandering around other floors. But now Hans had a gun to Hollys head and John was pointing a gun at Hans. The hostages were still a couple floors away and you needed to get them and yourselves out.

"Stop! Please stop. You don't understand we need to do this, we don't want anyone else to get hurt." You stepped between them.

"Y/N move." Hans warned.

"You're going to kill all those hostages, why would I let you go?" John snarled.

"No, the others want the hostages dead, we don't. If you help us we can get everyone out. We get all the hostages in the car and take them out of here and let the police raid the building. We don't want anyone to die, we just want to get out of here and start over." You tried to explain.

"What do you mean? This isn't just about money, tell me what this is about and maybe I can help." John replied.

"You know I was a part of the Volksfrie. But what you don't know is that no one just leaves the Volksfrie movement. If you leave your as good as dead, but I didn't want to be part of that life anymore so I walked away. But that also puts a target on not only my back but also on Y/N's back.... And our babies." John looked at you in shock. "We found out recently that's why this is so important to us. We need to disappear and we need money to do that. This was the only way we could think of to fake our deaths and get the money we need to get out of here and keep our baby safe. If you want the hostages out of here then we are on the same side." John lowered his weapon and Hans did the same. "I don't want to be a bad man anymore, I want to be a father and husband. I don't want anyone else to die tonight." Hans confessed.

"What do you suggest?" John asked. Hans let go of Holly and let her go back to her husband.

"We put the hostages in the getaway car then we blow the building. By the time the police look through the rubble we'll have faked our deaths and be long gone." Hans said, putting his arms around you.

"And your men?"

"What do you suggest?" Hans mimicked John.

"Tell them to go out the back, the police will be waiting for them and while they're dealing with them you can get away in the truck." John's idea was a good one, but why was he agreeing to help you?

"That's a good idea." Hans admitted.

"Why are you willing to help us?" You couldn't help but ask.

"Because even though you did some bad things, you're trying to get better. I admire that."

"Okay, let's get this started." Hans said, putting the walkie talker to his lips. "Everyone meet out back the truck is waiting for us. We need to get out of here before I blow the building." Hans instructed everyone.

"We'll get the hostages and take them to the parking garage." John and Holly took off to get the hostages before Hans' men had time to realize what was going on. You and Hans grabbed the money and got the car ready for John and the others. John and Holly filed everyone into the car and once the car left the parking garage Hans blew the building. You dropped the hostages off while the police were scattering around dealing with the Hans men and the burning building.

"We need to get out of here. Thank you both for your help, We couldn't have done this without you both." Hans shook John's hand.

"You're a better man than you think. Most men wouldn't have cared about the lives of others, you do. Get out of here. Take care of that baby." John said, pulling his hand away. You took the truck to the airport on your private plan to your new home.

3 years later.

"Again, again!" Your 2 year old son yelled at his father to swing him around again.

"One more time Johnny, then we have to go inside. You know how mumma gets when we're late for dinner." He whispered to his son.

"I heard that." You yelled from across the yard.

"One more dada." He begged, reaching his little arms to his father. Hans picked him up and spun him around making him giggle. Your lives were perfect, just like you always dreamed and it was all thanks to John and Holly.

"Okay let's go wash up for dinner for you two." You yelled to them as you heard the oven go off.

"Come on buba." Hans said, carrying Johnny to the bathroom to wash up. After dinner you sat on the couch and watched a movie. Johnny was asleep across both your laps. His legs on Hans and his head on you. You ran your fingers through his hair and while he slept, you loved them both so much.

"Can we have another one Hans. I love him so much, I want another little baby to look after." You gave him puppy dog eyes. He smiled and kissed you on the nose.

"I would love to have another baby. Whenever you feel your bodies ready we'll start trying."

"I'm ready, so I think we should get someone to bed then maybe have some adult time." You smirked, kissing then biting his bottom lip.

"Say less poppet." He smirked back, picking up Johnny and taking him to bed. You laughed at his excitement.

Probably my least favorite but hey you might like it.

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