Obadiah Slope🍋

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You were sitting in a room with your fiance Obadiah, your uncle who was the archbishop, your aunt Proudie and a couple other people.  Your finance being a member of the clergy means you have to go with him to many important meetings and events as his plus one. You were currently sitting with a blanket over you and your soon to be husband's lap.  It was the middle of winter and snow covered the ground outside. The temperatures were well below freezing and you were doing your best to stay warm as you cuddled into Obadiah's side. He knew you didn't want to be there, who would want to sit there and listen to people talk about things that have nothing to do with you.

You were bored, all you could do was sit there and daydream but then you could only daydream for so long. Then an idea popped into your head. You cuddled into Obadiah so your face was laying against his chest. Then you moved your hand between his legs so you could rub him through his trousers.  He started to cough to hide the moan he wanted to release.  He shot you a glare. You were both sitting in a room full of clergymen and now he was hard and there was nothing he could do about it.  Being that Obadiah was a clergyman meant that he was still a virgin, as were you so you were both very easily excitable.  You had both caught each other moaning each other's names several times as you masturbated to the thought of each other.

Obadiah grabbed your wrist to stop your movements against his growing bulge. He lifted an eyebrow when you took him in your other hand.  Your aunt Proudie looked over at you and your fiance and glared at him even though she had no idea what you were doing. She did not like Obadiah one bit, she only tolerated him because she knew how much you loved him.

"Stop."  He whispered.

"Obi, I'm bored."  You complained into his chest, quiet enough that only he could hear.

"I know poppet, I know just a little longer then I'll take you home."  He rubbed your shoulder and kissed your head. 

You waited another 20 minutes then you yawned and laid your head on Obadiah's chest letting yourself begin to fall asleep. You weren't really tired, just bored.

"Well everyone it's been an absolute pleasure but I believe my darling is getting tired."  He started folding the blanket on your lap and placing it on the back of the couch.

"I'm afraid her parents are not home for the evening."  Your uncle the archbishop said.

"Where are they? They never told me they were going out this evening." You asked your uncle.

"They didn't tell us dear, all they said was that they wouldn't be home this evening.  Me and your uncle are staying here for quite a while longer."  Your aunt answered.

"If it is alright with you, she could come home with me.  I know it is not very proper for an unmarried couple to stay together but she's tired and it has been a long day.  I know she would rather sleep in a bed rather than on a couch and she's afraid of staying alone at night."  Obadiah offered.  Your aunt looked at your uncle waiting for his word.

"Well, you are to be married in a week's time and I know she doesn't want to stay at her home alone. I suppose one night wouldn't hurt."  Your uncle replied looking at your aunt.

"If she is to be at your house then you sleep on the couch Mr Slope."  Your aunt pointed her finger at him.

"Of course madam."  Obadiah bowed his head. 

"Goodnight everyone."  You said after hugging your aunt and uncle.  You and Obadiah said your goodbyes and started your walk home. 

Once your foot was over the threshold you wasted no time grabbing him and kissing him.  You and Obadiah had a very passionate makeout session at least once a day. It was becoming harder and harder for you both to keep your urges at bay, all you wanted was to have him inside you. 

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