Chapter 1 Nanda Militray Training

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The summer heat has not yet dissipated, and September is still hot weather.

At nine o'clock in the morning, the hot sun had already climbed to the sky above the head. There is not a single cloud in the blue sky. The sun shone presumptuously to every corner under the sky.

The trees on the playground are full of greenery and lush. But under the sunlight, he became listless.

On the long stairs next to the playground, densely packed people, like little ants in camouflage uniforms, were bustling and walking towards the military training field.

"What? Get up at 6:30 to wash, and the meeting will be held at 7:00. Then there is the military training mobilization meeting. I haven't even had breakfast!"

"Yeah, I haven't had breakfast yet."

"I'm so hungry, that's it, how about military training."

"I'm afraid I'm going to die on the military training field, am I?"


In the crowd, a male student began to wailing that he did not eat breakfast. Others listened and complained.

Yes, I got up early in the morning and had two meetings in a row, but they hadn't even eaten breakfast. Now, they are taken directly to the military training ground for military training. Is this killing them?

Nantah’s military training is too inhumane.

Hearing complaints from people around him, Li Jiao touched her stomach. Xin Hao ran fast this morning. She went to the cafeteria to drink a bowl of millet porridge and ate three steamed dumplings.

"Jiao Jiao, Jiao Jiao."


Li Jiao turned her head when she heard her roommate calling her, and her roommate Su Linlin thanked her.

"Jiao Jiao, thanks to you bringing breakfast to our dormitory this morning, otherwise we might have died on the military training ground on the first day."

Li Jiao smiled, revealing two cute little pears.

"It's okay, I bought it easily."

The two were talking, and another roommate squeezed from the crowd, and saw them happily.

"Jiao, Lin, you put it here, oh my god, I found you."



"Eh, eh."

While talking, a girl with a slightly fat body and magnificent facial features squeezed through the crowd and finally came to the two of them.

As soon as she came over, she enthusiastically took Li Jiao's arm and said, "Jiao, thanks to you bringing me breakfast this morning, otherwise I can't hold it anymore."

As she said, she wiped the sweat from her forehead. She is a little fat, and panting after walking a few steps. She didn't want to participate in this military training, but was forced by her parents to come.

Facing the enthusiasm of her roommate, Li Jiao seemed a little restrained, walking side by side with others unnaturally, and said.

"Boss, you don't need to thank you, I just do it right away."

She has not changed her biological clock in her senior year, so she is used to getting up early.

When she got up this morning, no one who was watching the dormitory got up. She didn't have the heart to wake them up, and went to the cafeteria to have a meal, and by the way she packed a portion for them.

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