17.Fainted At Night Training

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"What, dizzy?"

The instructor of Class 2 saw that the little girl was leaning against the person's arms, her face pale, her eyes closed, she was dizzy.

"How to deal with the instructor, pinched the middle of the people, I'm not aware of it anymore."

"Come here, I'll carry her, I'll carry her."

"Help her up."

Several boys stepped forward to help, holding on to people’s arms, probably because they were unconscious and unconscious, and people’s weight had also increased.

People couldn't stand up, and as soon as they got up, they fell to the ground.

"Eh eh eh, slow down a little bit."

"Slow down, don't fall."

Several girls next to her saw Li Jiao's clothes move up, revealing a small white waist, and thoughtfully helped her to hold her clothes to prevent them from running out.

One girl even took off her thin coat and tied Li Jiao around her waist.

"Come on," the instructor of Class 2 carried Li Jiao on his back and ran directly outside the military training field, where an ambulance was parked on standby.



Several boys from Class 1 also followed and ran beside the six instructors, behind, and to the left and right, protecting them on several sides.

The military training field is very large, and the rest place of the first class is in the corner again. Now running towards the ambulance, it is completely straight across the military training field.

Along the way, the hurried appearance attracted the attention of others.

"Instructor, do you need me to replace you?"

Said a boy.

This section of the road was too long, carrying people on his back, and still running at extreme speed, the six sons began to sweat on their foreheads.

Hearing that, Liu Zi just tightened his back a little, sweat slipped down and dripped into his eyes, his vision blurred and a little stinging.

Gritting his teeth, looking resolute, "No need!"

I scolded in my heart, **md, why is this military training field so big!

On the playground, the instructors of other classes also noticed the situation, and several people ran over and asked.

"Sixth, what's the matter?"


"I'm not aware anymore."

"Come on, I'll do it for you."

"No, you run over and call the ambulance to come over."


Six sons continued to run wildly behind their backs, and an instructor ran a step first and called for an ambulance.

Just after talking with the chief instructor, Zhang Jiu Ling was walking down the stairs from the boulevard to the military training field.

From a distance, he saw five or six people rushing toward this side with anxiously pale faces.

It seemed that someone had passed out. An instructor was carrying someone on his back, followed by four or five boys, running like life and death at a speed of speed!

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