8.Little White Shoes Take Off

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"Eh eh eh, the king is here, the king is here."

"Don't laugh, don't laugh."

Someone saw Zhang Jiu Ling approaching, and she quickly reminded that the whole group hurriedly reduced their smiles, adjusted their military posture, raised their chests, tucked their abdomen, raised their heads, and stood upright.

From a distance, it is definitely the brightest class in the entire military training field.

Don't ask why it is so good, this is all trained by the devil instructor of their class.

Zhang Jiu Ling is still wearing camouflage, black army boots and a military cap as usual. This is clearly the general dress of the instructor, but it makes people feel that he is different from others.

No matter how many times she have seen Zhang Jiu Ling come here, there are always a few girls in the class who are committing nympho, sighing quietly.

"The instructor killed me~"

"Seriously, no one can match the looks of our instructors."

"So handsome~"

Hearing what the girl next to him said, Li Jiao also glanced at him. Zhang Jiu Ling was walking towards this side, with sword eyebrows and star eyes, a strong nose, and a handsome and handsome man.

He walked over, standing tall, heroic, and powerful. With the unique temperament of a soldier, he is cold and calm.

At the same time, he was a bit more awe-inspiring than ordinary soldiers, and there was often a chill in his eyes, which made people a little daunted.

Li Jiao looked like this, but she was actually a little scared. She heard that the instructor was a special soldier before, so he looked more "fierce" than other instructors, right?

Just thinking about it, Zhang Jiu Ling walked over and passed in front of Li Jiao. She felt a faint cold air drifting by, and she couldn't help squinting comfortably.

Although the instructor is fierce, but he has a super super good advantage. That is, he has a cold air, especially in such a hot summer, he is simply a self-propelled refrigerator.

Every time he passes in front of him, Li Jiao hopes that he can stand a little longer, not for anything else, to cool down the heat!

Zhang Jiu Ling walked over, and the air-conditioning quickly disappeared. The summer heat hit again, and the hot temperature on her body made Li Jiao squeeze her mouth.

At the same time, my heart is wailing, instructor, you can stand a little longer~

Zhang Jiu Ling walked to the middle of the class and scanned the whole class to confirm that no one was absent.

Then, coldly said.

"All of them, take a rest, stand at attention!"

"The content in the afternoon is a review of the three major steps."

"All of them!"

"Go together-go!"

"One two one, one two one!"

"One, two, three, four..."


On the military training field, every class began to move.

In her ears, the reprimands of the instructors and the slogans of the students are intertwined to form a full-blown military training field.

In the thirteenth class next door, the fat instructor was checking the three steps of their class.

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