9.Crystal Shoes

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Zhang Jiu Ling looked at the little girl and lowered his head again, not daring to look at him, he couldn't help being amused.

On the first day, didn’t she still say that he was dark? How come she has become so courageous now?

He glanced at her, only to see the little girl's head with a military cap, braving a panic. She lowered her head, revealing only a white neck, which was so white that she was eye-catching.

After so many days of military training, the other classmates are a little darker, but she is the only one who hasn't changed much?

Li Jiao lowered her head and pretended to be stunned. After a while, a slender hand appeared in her sight. The knuckles were well-proportioned and the knuckles were distinct, and it was very beautiful.

He held her white shoes in his hand and placed it on the ground. At the same time, she heard a low and cold voice mixed with a little bit of coldness.

"Crystal shoes, put them on."

If it wasn't for his voice that was still so cold, Li Jiao thought the instructor was mocking her.

She was stunned, and when she raised her head again, Zhang Jiu Ling had already walked away.

Suddenly, Li Jiao's ears turned red again.

She squatted down, put her shoes on, and quickly stood up again.

Zhang Jiu Ling glanced at her and was about to speak when the chief instructor's loud whistle sounded.

Those who are sitting on the ground, stand up quickly. Those who are standing also quickly stand facing the whistle.

The entire military training field was quiet.

The chief instructor yelled with a loud horn: "Everyone, rest, fifteen minutes!"

After speaking, another whistle was blown, and the military training field resumed as usual.

Some classes are arranged to rest and disband on the spot. Some classes choose to continue training and remain unmoved...

In the first class, Zhang Jiu Ling withdrew his sight and continued.

"All, military posture training, ten minutes."


No one dared to cry, no one even dared to speak, all stood upright obediently.

They are all used to it. In the class of Living Hades, they must have the spirit of a death squad.

As long as you can't die, you can practice it!

The whole squad is neat and tidy, and the posture is tall and straight, which is particularly prominent in the scattered military training field.

Many former classmates looked at them sympathetically, seeing that they were still training.

Class 1: I am not dead, who will die?

"The last one in the first row." Zhang Jiu Ling said suddenly.

Li Jiao was a little confused, she didn't move, but she still replied obediently.


"Stand up to the front."


Li Jiao got out of the queue, walked to the front of the team, and stood still.

She was so flustered that it was over, the instructor was going to train her?

Zhang Jiu Ling glanced at the direction of the sun, on the left, shining diagonally, the light was a little dazzling.

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