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On the second day, Zhang Jiu Ling came to the house again carrying a lot of gifts, courtesy. After drinking a few glasses of wine with Dad Li, the two of them didn't know what they said, they were very speculative.

After a while, the two grandpas were already hooking their shoulders together, and father Li was very satisfied with him, "Nine-ling, nine-ling is good, defending the motherland, good."

"Jiao Jiao leave it to you, I don't worry."

Only then did Li Jiao react, forgetting that her father once had a soldier's dream. As a result, he was ruthlessly brushed off because he failed the medical examination.

For so many years, Dad Li has not forgotten this dream. Every time he saw anti-Japanese dramas, military films, or gunfights on TV, he was always very excited.

Drinking a glass of wine, touching his bald head, pooping with a big belly, sighed.


"It would be great if I could join the army back then."

Every time at this time, Li Hang said eagerly next to him.

"Dad, you have a body shape, you can't run on the battlefield."

"Hey ~ brat!"


In fact, when Li's father heard that Zhang Jiu Ling was a soldier discharged last night, his eyes lit up. However, everyone did not pay attention at the time.

Later, Zhang Jiu Ling came home with gifts specially, and drank a few glasses of wine with him at the dinner table. Li's father asked a lot about his deeds in the army, participating in peacekeeping abroad, and the war on terrorism.

After this time, Li's father had long been conquered.

He was drunk and couldn't stand still, and he kept talking to Li Jiao.

"Daughter, Jiu Ling is a good child, older than you, and can take care of you. It's still a soldier discharged from the army, really, this..."

As he said, he staggered his thumbs up.

"You two, you two are fine. This boyfriend, dad don't worry."

For a while, Li Jiao looked at someone who had been talking to the wall, silently.


Zhang Jiu Ling drank and couldn't drive. Li Jiao talked to her family to see him off, and hurriedly followed downstairs.

"Come on, slow down, slow down."

Li Jiao supported him with one hand and went to open the door with the other.

Zhang Jiu Ling should have a good amount of alcohol, but Dad Li pulled him and drank Wuliangye with a high degree of alcohol. After a few cups of white wine, his stomach was hot, as if he was burning.

Zhang Jiu Ling didn't drink often before, and he didn't even drink at all when he was in the army. Suddenly poured a few glasses of white wine down, his mind was dizzy, but not drunk.

Those long and narrow peach eyes, because of drinking wine, the ends of the eyes are a little red. There was some misty water vapor in his eyes, the original coldness gradually turned into a kind of coquettish confusion.

Xin Hao Li Jiao hasn't seen it now, otherwise he must be said to be the upper body of a fox.

"Come on, slow down."

Zhang Jiu Ling leaned on her, with a hand on her shoulder, half of his strength pressed against the little girl. It made Li Jiao almost fail to hold her and fell, why is he so heavy.

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