11.Chicken Paws

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Faced with the doubts in the eyes of the crowd, Zhang Jiu Ling rarely explained it patiently.

"Fever, sweating is fine."

This sentence was understood by others, but Li Jiao understood. The instructor asked her to squat and stand up to sweat, so that the fever would heal quickly.

She have to say, instructor, you are so "good", so sweet.

Li Jiao flattened her mouth and stood up crying, feet apart, her hands behind her neck, ready to pose.

Zhang Jiu Ling glanced, then added a little.

"One hundred, strengthen immunity."


Li Jiao felt that she could vomit blood, one, one hundred? ?

Is this asking her to die? Instructor, are you serious? She has a fever, yes, but she only got a fever because she kicked the quilt. She has very good immunity!

She is very powerful, very strong, and can kill a cow!

Before she could refute, Zhang Jiu Ling had already started counting, her voice was cold and calm.


Li Jiao started bitterly, squatted down and got up.






In the end, Li Jiao couldn't remember how she finished a hundred.

She knew that her legs were as heavy as lead. When Zhang Jiu Ling read one hundred, she almost sat on the ground without a butt.

After finishing the work, Li Jiao's two hands behind her neck were unconscious, and she loosened softly, drooping on both sides of her body.

She was panting, and there was dull pain in her waist and abdomen as she breathed.

Her complexion didn't turn red anymore, and changed to pale, pale, with cold and hot sweat on her forehead. Li Jiao felt that she was now in two layers of ice and fire, cold and hot, hot and cold.

Her mind was dizzy, and her feet seemed to be shackled by thousands of kilograms, crooked and unwilling, as if she was about to fall down in the next second.

After a hundred squatting and standing, Zhang Jiu Ling spoke to the students in the military posture.

"All of them, run forward, get on the track."

"One, two!"

The students started to move, clenched fists with both hands, put them on their waists, shouted the slogan of one, two, one, and ran to the plastic track.

"The last one in the first row, rest, keep up with the team."

After speaking, Zhang Jiu Ling passed by her, intending to keep up with the big army.

As soon as he took a step, he felt that the hem of his clothes was hooked by something.


Zhang Jiu Ling raised his eyebrows slightly and turned his head. Li Jiao's head wearing a military training hat was lowered.

Didn’t you wear your hat?

Zhang Jiu Ling frowned subconsciously, just about to speak, and felt the hem of the hooked clothes trembling, he lowered his head, Li Jiao's two white and tender little paws tremblingly, grabbed the edge of his clothes, shaking...

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