19.Pure Lust

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At the thought of the scene when the instructor of Class 2 said she was too fat, Li Jiao was still very angry now, lying on the bed with her eyes wide open, like an angry little goldfish.

He is fat, instructor Fathead Fish.

She is slim, she is only eighty-eight catties, that person must be more than one hundred catties, he is fat!

Ha, Li Jiao didn't want to think about it. People are more than a hundred catties, but they can have a meter and eight.

"Jiao Jiao, get up, it's time to go to the lecture."


Li Jiao replied, and quickly got up, put away the drawing board, got out of bed, packed her things and prepared to go out.

There is a lecture on safety knowledge this afternoon, they have to listen to it. Li Jiao was painting at noon, and she didn't even hear Zhang Yue and the others when they woke up. Fortunately, she was called.

After finishing the cleaning, the three of them went to the lecture hall.

Along the way, freshmen in camouflage uniforms seemed to be attending lectures.

When she walked in, the crowd was very crowded and crowded.

Several people finally squeezed in and found the place in the class. They came too late, and sat down in the last row in the middle.

The entire lecture hall is full of human heads. The lecture did not start, all of them were playing with their phones with their heads down.

On the big screen in front, a line of words was typed in festive red font, "New students safety knowledge lecture, welcome classmates and instructors to listen to the lecture."



This lecture, the instructor will come too?

Li Jiao straightened up immediately, her little head looked around, feeling a little excited, instructor, where is the instructor?

Just to the right of Li Jiao and their position, across an aisle, several rows were empty and no one was sitting. It seems that there is a place for the instructors.

Li Jiao's position was five or six people away from the position on the edge of the aisle. There were still people in every seat.

Looking at the empty seat over there, Li Jiao bit her lip, expecting Ai Ai, she wants to sit there, and she will look good at the instructor for a while.

"Good afternoon everybody, classmates."

On the stage, a student cadre held a microphone and spoke with a bright smile.

"Our lecture will begin immediately. Please find a seat quickly and sit down and keep quiet."

After speaking, the man went on. In the large lecture hall, it was still noisy.

Ah, is it going to start?

Li Jiao tilted her head to see that those rows were still empty, the instructors hadn't come yet.

Is it not coming?

When she was depressed, there was a continuous cool breeze blowing behind her suddenly, as if many people kept passing by behind her.

Looking back, all camouflage uniforms, one instructor after another, are like a Solitaire, with strong steps and orderly steps.

Li Jiao quickly turned around, her small eyes carefully scanning every passing instructor, not this, not this, not this...

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