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It was late, Zhang Jiu Ling wanted to take Li Jiao out for dinner. But the little girl acted like a baby and said she wanted to eat his egg noodles. It just so happened that the eggs and noodles at home were gone, and other things needed to be bought.

So the two drove to the supermarket.

There are not so many people in the supermarket at night. Colorful vegetables and fruits, fresh seafood and meat, next to a wide variety of dry goods area. The high and low shelves, the dazzling array of goods, make people dizzy.

Each shelf is marked with a big red unit price.

The discussion between the supermarket staff is the price of today's food, what to eat for dinner, and what to buy. Young couples, kind and harmonious wives, laughing children............

There is the smoke of life everywhere, and when you come in, you have a real feeling of being down to earth, it's real.

Li Jiao was standing in the cake area, and the little girl stared at the delicate and delicious cakes in the freezer eagerly.

Hmm~ I want to eat.

But she bought Zhang Jiu Ling with snacks for a month, and she can't eat snacks this month.

Wow, it's painful to see or not eat.

She narrowed her mouth and turned her head to look at Zhang Jiu Ling next to her. He was holding the handle of the shopping cart with one hand, standing there, seeing Li Jiao looking at him, a pair of wet apricot eyes were filled with "I really want to eat "Means.

Zhang Jiu Ling thought it was funny, "Want to eat cake?"

Li Jiao nodded super vigorously, thinking about it, especially thinking about it.

Seeing this, Zhang Jiu Ling curled his lips and spit out two words cruelly.

"No way."

After staying with Li Jiao for a while, he also discovered that the little girl likes sweets, all kinds of candies, milk tea, especially small cakes.

Every time she entered the supermarket, she couldn't walk when she saw the little cake.

But eating too many sweets is not good for your teeth.

Before, she just put them in the shopping cart. Now she bought Zhang Jiu Ling for a month of snacks, and she can't eat snacks this month.

Now, every time she enters the supermarket, the little girl ran to the cake area, looked at her eagerly for a long time, then turned her head pitifully, begging him to buy it.

Now, the old trick is repeated.

"Nine Ling~" She grabbed his sleeve with one hand, tugged, and said affectionately, "I'll buy one."

"Just one."

As she said, she stretched out a finger and carefully compared each other.

"Well, just one."

Seeing him not speaking, the little girl began to play tricks, pulling on his sleeves to act like a baby.

The voice was glutinous, "I want a small cake."

Zhang Jiu Ling was still ignorant, she stepped up her efforts, leaned over, hugged his waist, raised her small head, pouted, and squeezed out two drops of crystal tears.


He lowered his head, the little girl's delicate face was exposed in front of him, her white and delicate skin, her apricot eyes were watery, and her cheeks and eyes had a light peachy pink halo. She blinked her eyes, her squeezed mouth, and she squeezed out. Tears.

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