13.Aspiration is to be a Light Bulb!

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"Oh, the one behind, keep up and keep up."

"You guys had breakfast."

Class 1 is followed by Class 2. Their instructor is the instructor who speaks Sichuan dialect. He is in his early twenties, and he is also in his youth.

This is his first military training. After knowing that Nantah military training also has a good program around the lake, he was very happy.

He grabbed the flag of the male student in the first row, waved it in the air, cheering up excitedly.

"Oh, you guys can give me some energy."

"Cheer up, don't you know?"

"Come, come, hurry, hurry up, if anyone performs well today, which one do I invite to eat ice cream, do you want to get it?"

"Hurry up, hurry up."

In contrast to his excited appearance, Class 2 seemed a bit listless, and the whole class was very depressed.

It's too difficult, it's too difficult to circle the lake, can they come back alive?

At the end of the first class, Li Jiao turned her head and glanced behind her. She was as excited as an instructor going on an outing, and frustrated as if she was going to send a "dead" student, forming a huge contrast.

Li Jiao turned her head silently, um, she was not the only one who felt sad about the lake.

She tugged at the strap of her backpack, raised her head, and glanced at Zhang Jiu Ling a little ahead. He didn't take anything, and went into battle lightly. The sleeves were rolled up, revealing powerful arms.

Every step he walks is extremely accurate, and the step distance is the same, as if he has been measured. His walking posture is also very beautiful, with two long legs wrapped in camouflage army pants, and black army boots stepping on the asphalt.

It looks beautifully as if people are admiring a military parade.

The instructor is so handsome~

Li Jiao also started to commit a nympho, and she didn't look at it all the way, but Baba stared at Zhang Jiu Ling's back.

Perhaps her gaze was too eager, Zhang Jiu Ling turned his head behind her, and his cold and dark eyes directly met Li Jiao's peeping eyes, which immediately made her completely invisible.

Li Jiao immediately persuaded, nodded angrily, and smiled awkwardly.

Then, withdraw your gaze and watch your mind at ease.

Seeing that she hadn't looked at himself anymore, Zhang Jiu Ling turned his head lightly and continued walking.

That little girl with a fever yesterday?

Staring at himself again today, is a grudge, want to retaliate against him?

"Come on, classmates, come on, you're almost at the entrance of Maple Leaf Lake, come on, come on!"

The instructor of Class 2 excitedly cheered and waved the flag to cheer, and almost dragged the students away.

But the students in their class couldn't motivate at all, and dragged their feet on the ground one by one.

The hot sun has come out, slowly drying the flowers of the motherland.

"It's too hard for me, really."

"It's so hot, I want to go back now."

"The lake is too scary, I don't want to go."

"Or just stop here."

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