60.Sending FireWorks

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Outside the window, the sky was dusk, and the ground was gray-blue and gray-blue, and a few clouds were still faintly floating in the sky, with a lazy posture.

The orange and yellow lights on the playground in the distance were faint and flickering, and the light and shadow were intertwined, and one could be seen in the studio. There was a breeze from somewhere, and it was a bit cold.

Zhang Yue closed the window and turned back.

"I'm gone, let's withdraw quickly."

In the studio, some people took out their mobile phones, borrowed the light of a flashlight, and began to pack things. The movement is big, making a clanging, squeaky sound.

Li Jiao was afraid that Zhang Jiu Ling would wait, so she packed up her paint box in twos and then put it on her back.

Say hello to Zhang Yue Su Linlin, "Boss, Linlin, I'm leaving now."

"In such a hurry, you rushed to go on a date again."

Hearing the words, Su Linlin, who was packing her things, raised her head and laughed and teased.

Li Jiao was in a relaxed mood and replied generously.


The tone is joyful, and I can hear that I am in a good mood.

After the previous confession storm, she also thought clearly. Falling in love is not a heinous thing, it is best to be open and generous.

"Okay, you go quickly, don't let the instructor wait."

"Then I'm leaving, bye."


Just after speaking, there was a vibration from the phone in my pocket. When I took it out, it was a message from Zhang Jiu Ling.

"Not after class."

Li Jiao walked to the door while typing on the screen.

"It's down, I just packed my things and come here right away."

The text is edited, just sent out, but two or three seconds. Zhang Jiu Ling immediately sent a message.

"Don't worry about going downstairs, stay where you are, and wait for me."

Seeing this news, Li Jiao's feet could not be stopped. Slightly frowned, a little puzzled.

Are you coming up to find her?

Zhang Jiu Ling asked her to wait where she was, but Li Jiao didn't move seriously, leaning on a table by the door. One after another hammered her shoulder, watching the classmates in the studio pack their things.

Some were busy dating their boyfriends and ran away in a hurry. Also, don't panic, slowly, and tidy up in the same way. Several boys were laughing and playing, and there was chaos in the studio without lights.

"Tingting, my boyfriend is waiting downstairs, I'm leaving first."

"Bye bye bye."

"Hey, grandson, stop for grandpa!"

"Huang Yuan'er, come and take a look at Big Brother's creations!"

"Damn, what do you draw, mutant alien cockroach?"


About a minute later, Li Jiao glanced at the phone, suddenly feeling a little worried. Zhang Jiu Ling doesn't know which studio she is in, will she be missing?

Thinking about this, Li Jiao picked up the bag on the table and prepared to go out to find him.

Her boyfriend can't be lost.

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