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The rest of the breakfast was completely unilaterally fed by Li Jiao.

At first, the little girl retaliatedly fed Zhang Jiu Ling a lot of small fried buns in an attempt to kill him. It is a pity that the food intake of the two is not proportional. In Li Jiao's opinion, the many small fried buns can only make Zhang Jiu Ling pad his stomach.

Finally, the little girl drank two cups of milk angrily and "hummed" Zhang Jiu Ling.

I drank the milk myself, let's see what he drinks!

The childish and cute behavior was so dull that Zhang Jiu Ling made people laugh.

Moreover, her little belly can hold so many things, and after drinking an extra glass of milk, her belly swells in panic.

While in the car, the little girl sat in the co-pilot and hiccuped her milk, which caused another ridicule. Li Jiao felt that she was losing face, and when she got out of the car, she was full of anger.

Humph, Zhang Jiu Ling is so annoying.

He was obviously not like this before, but now he actually wants her to feed and laughs at her for hiccups. He is so annoying ah ah ah ah-

She asked Zhang Yue and Su Linlin who were waiting for her downstairs with her irritable look.

"Jiao Jiao, what's wrong with you?"

"What's wrong, quarreled with the instructor?"


In the car, Zhang Jiu Ling was holding the steering wheel with one hand, looking sideways, looking at the little girl's angrily back through the car window, he couldn't help but curl his lips, and his mood increased.

Occasionally bully the little girl, to see her frying hair, very cute.

Watching Li Jiao's back into the teaching building, Zhang Jiu Ling retracted his gaze, turned around, stepped on the accelerator, held the steering wheel with his slender fingers, and slowly twisted the angle.

The vehicle started and slowly drove out of the campus of Nantah University. Today he is going to the police station. He had to go to the police station once a week for the scheduled combat training.

Staying in Nanshi, most of his work focus has also shifted to this side. Including the business transferred from the imperial capital's home, as well as the clubs here in Nanshi, he was taking care of them.

These days, he is actually very busy.

However, every day when he go home, there is a charming little girl at home to accompany him, and he doesn't seem to be that tired.

She would obediently draw and wait for him while he was working. The balcony will also be filled with a variety of vibrant flowers and plants, watering diligently every day. Will pile up her pillows and dolls on the sofa............

The empty home was enriched by her little by little.

And his heart was filled with her little by little.

Many times, he was rejoicing, Xin Hao, during the military training, he came to Nanda and met her.

Thinking about it, his beautiful thin lips slightly pulled out a curve, the lip line was obvious, showing a soft smile.

From Nanda, the car drove for 20 minutes and stopped in the parking lot next to the gate of the City Police Department.

In the weather of December, the temperature in Nanshi has dropped sharply at the edge of the ten digits, and there is a faint break of the single digit temperature.

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