21.I Am Behind You.

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When they reached the training position of the class, the six were still gossiping to ask Zhang Jiu Ling, but Zhang Jiu Ling glanced at him lightly. Those cold eyes stared at him, the feeling of cold and stimulating.

It's like in the twelfth lunar month, being pressed into the cold winter lake, there are still ice balls on the lake, biting to the bones.

The six sons fell silent immediately, their whole bodies tensed, stood upright, and saluted solemnly.

"Boss, I'm back to class."

After finishing speaking, greased the soles of the feet and quickly slipped away.

Ma yeah, he finally knows why those children are called the boss cold Hades.

My God, when he was in the army before, he was not so cold. At most, it was a glass of ice water, but now it's fine, and it has directly evolved into a super ice pool.

Those children really suffered.

Back to the training position of the class, most of the students were scattered, and few people stayed where they were.

Zhang Jiu Ling looked around, and saw the little girl's figure in a corner of the lawn, shrunken into a ball, sitting on the ground with her knees hugged, and a few classmates were chatting around, lively.

She was alone, sitting there alone, quietly. As if there was an invisible protective cover covering her, a small circle was automatically isolated.

He frowned slightly, raised his foot and walked over.

Li Jiao was still pulling weeds intently, with her little head knocked on her knees, muttering.

"Military training is not good at all."

"However, the instructor is very nice and handsome."


"If the military training were to be repeated, I would definitely not be able to make so many mistakes."

"The instructor must hate me now..."


Zhang Jiu Ling came over and stopped behind Li Jiao. She didn't notice, he got a little closer, and only heard the little girl muttering something in her mouth. The voice was so small that he couldn't hear her clearly.

However, her hand pulling weeds never stopped.

Beside him, there was already a small pile of plastic grass.

Zhang Jiu Ling had never been in contact with the little girl, and had no idea what happened to Li Jiao now. However, he saw the fine beads of sweat on her forehead.

He frowned, narrowed his long and clear eyes slightly, and was silent for a few seconds.

Then, one step forward, a little closer to the person.

At four or five o'clock in the afternoon, the sun happened to be behind them. Zhang Jiu Ling stood behind the people and got a little closer. His tall and straight body covered Li Jiao.

The sun shone, and his shadow cast on the grass in front of Li Jiao.


Li Jiao, who was pulling weeds, suddenly felt a little dark in front of her. She raised her head slightly, and there was a black shadow in front of her. Oh, it turned out that someone was standing behind her.

Someone blocked the scorching sun and instantly felt cooler.

Alas, I hope he can stand a little longer.

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