50.The Reward Is Holding Hands

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Later, one day Zhang Jiu Ling came to pick up Li Jiao for dinner. Along the way, the little girl did not speak, she kept staring at the phone, showing a bright smile from time to time.

Even when eating, the phone does not leave her hand.

Li Jiao: Hahahaha, thank you Pingping, you must count more votes for me.

Gu Pingping: Don't worry, I have already mobilized our entire class to help vote.

Li Jiao: I love you, and I will invite you to eat.

All her attention was on the phone. When she was typing, a slender hand suddenly appeared in front of her and took her phone away.


Going along and looking back, Zhang Jiu Ling stood behind her at some point, leaned down slightly, staring at her with cold and dark eyes, and spoke, with a calm and gentle voice.

"Concentrate on eating."


Li Jiao called him, Zhang Jiu Ling was also wondering what this little girl was doing every day? Randomly glanced at the content on her phone, eh?

"The ranking of handsome freshmen in NTU, second place, the mysterious instructor (12648 votes), you have one vote, I have one vote, the instructor c must be reliable"? ? ?

The jet-black eyebrows frowned lightly, turned his head, and looked at the little girl on the chair.

"What is this?"


When the little girl had explained everything honestly, Zhang Jiu Ling was rarely silent for a long time.

What do you want him to say?

In order to get him on the list, his girlfriend is looking for people to canvass for votes?

In order to get him on the list, she even stretched out her hand to other schools?

What does this little girl think about every day? Are you going to make him debut?

Li Jiao was fidgeting on the chair, and Zhang Jiu Ling hadn't spoken since she had confessed her "criminal history". There was no expression on his face, but his face was sharp and clear. It seems that no matter from which angle he is viewed, he is a perfect angle.

However, if the instructor didn't speak anymore, she would really want to cry.

"Instructor, don't be angry, I was wrong."

After a long silence, the first to sound, was the little girl's timid and soft voice, soft and soft, like a soft water, which can soften all your bad emotions.

At that moment, Zhang Jiu Ling's heart instantly softened, but he didn't expect that he would have this day.

Zhang Jiu Ling didn't say a word, Li Jiao thought he was really angry, so she moved her hips and moved closer to him.

A pair of big wet eyes, full and moist, like a white dough that has been wronged, narrowed her mouth.

"Sorry, I was wrong~"

She shouldn't have pulled people around to vote without his permission. She didn't want to be posted online for discussion, and the instructor certainly didn't want it.

The little girl cleverly leaned in front of him, grievingly wrong, just like a little crying bag that was only a few years old. Zhang Jiu Ling looked at her, his heart softened.

Why, so stupid.

The corners of the mouth were raised, drawing a curve that was neither deep nor shallow. He spoke, his voice soft, slightly lower, as if playing a beautiful and melodious movement on a cello.

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