58.Jiu Ling Like Jiao Jiao (Reveal Sweet Secret)

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Li Jiao carefully put a piece of ribs into Zhang Jiu Ling's bowl, and Qiao Mimi looked at his face. She has to say that Zhang Jiu Ling is really good-looking. The eyebrows are sharp and beautiful, the thin lips are sharp and the nose is sharp.

His eyes are very beautiful, star-eyed sword eyebrows, narrow and long, and the tips of his eyes are slightly raised. Don't have a romantic charm, like a pair of affectionate peach eyes.

Probably because he had been a soldier, between his eyes, he was more awe-inspiring than the others, a heroic spirit that belonged exclusively to a soldier, and a magnificent spirit. It made the original pair of peach blossom eyes, adding a sense of coldness.

However, there is more of a unique charm and taste.

However, this looks good.

Li Jiao glanced at Zhang Jiu Ling, who had been silent for a while, and thought to herself that if she continued to let off the air-conditioning, the temperature in the room would be below zero.

Just came out of school, and then came to the restaurant for dinner. Zhang Jiu Ling hardly said anything, and it seemed that there was no difference between normal.

But Li Jiao just thought he was angry, probably...

It's because of the confession just now.

Hey, speaking of it, Li Jiao is also very depressed. How come Zhang Jiu Ling saw it. Such an embarrassing confession scene, to be honest, she herself didn't want to think about it again.

However, she glanced at Zhang Jiu Ling surreptitiously, and quickly took it back.

The curvature of the corners of the mouth rose quietly, revealing a little smile.

Hmm... In fact, she is quite happy.

After all, this is the first time Zhang Jiu Ling has been jealous for her.

"Ding Dong—"

The message prompt of the mobile phone sounded, Zhang Jiu Ling glanced at the mobile phone next to him inadvertently, and picked it up casually.

It was a message from his own little girl.

"Why don't Kuoyi talk to me (????ω????)"

The little girl seems to like to use emojis to express her emotions. For example, Zhang Jiu Ling stared at the incomprehensible facial expression on the phone.

The lightly pursed thin lips finally twitched, and they arched slightly.

It's so embarrassing.

Immediately, put down the phone.

Turn sideways and place one arm on the back of the chair. Those long, narrow and passionate eyes looked at her in time.

It's like saying, "Let's talk, see what you can say."

Seeing people turning around, Li Jiao was a little nervous somehow. Turning sideways slightly, facing him.

Unknowingly, both hands squeezed the corners of her clothes, raised her head, looked at him with watery eyes, and began to explain.

"Well, that person confessed today, I didn't know in advance. He rushed over as soon as I got out of the dormitory."

Speaking of this, Li Jiao glanced at the person, Zhang Jiu Ling did not speak, as if he was listening carefully to her.

She continued: "Then he said a lot of things on his own. I didn't even interrupt. I thought it might not be good to interrupt him, so I just wanted to wait until he finished speaking and I would refuse."

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