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Li Jiao touched her face by herself, putting her two tender little paws on her cheeks, rubbing and rubbing the floor like a ball. Talking to herself innocently while rubbing.

"Ah, it seems a bit hot."

Su Linlin quickly grabbed her self-abusing little paw, "It's all right, don't rub it, Jiao Jiao, don't you be stupid, right?"

"Huh?" Li Jiao turned her head dullly, "Boiling water, what kind of water to boil?"

"The weather is so hot, I just use cold water."

"Ah—" Su Linlin helped her forehead helplessly, "It's over, I'm completely burnt."

"Huh? Spilled, what's spilled?"

The silly little idiot Li Jiao leaned in front of Li Linlin, staring at her with big watery eyes, tilted her head in confusion, and drew a big question mark.

"It's not spilled, it's stupid, stupid," Su Linlin corrected.




"Stupid, silly."


"Oh, it's stupid, fool's stupid."

"Kill, kill to kill?"

"No, it's a silly, s-h-a," Su Linlin corrected anxiously, "Oh, what am I telling you, you are a silly little fool."

"Huh?" The little fool raised her head, her red face was scary, "What?"

"Oh, I can't tell you now..."

"Hey, here comes, here comes—"

Zhang Yue roared and ran wildly with a loud voice, rushing to the two of them, attracting countless people along the way, she didn't care.

Holding a white thing, ran to the two of them and braked sharply.

"Come here, come here."

When she arrived, she bent over, put her hands on her knees, and gasped for breath.

Su Linlin glanced at her, "Boss, what do you get?"

"Ice, ice bag," Zhang Yue gasped and said, "I'll go and find another class to buy it."

"Come on, use it for Jiao," she said, she reached out and handed it, and handed the white ice bag to Su Linlin, motioning her to take it to Li Jiao.


Su Linlin took the ice pack, unpacked it, and rubbed it a few times. After crushing the small particles inside, she first applied a compress to Li Jiao's hot face.

As soon as she touched her cheek with a cold feeling, Li Jiao shuddered subconsciously, and her neck was so irritated that she stood upright, shrinking and arching her back like a cat suddenly exploded.

The confused and chaotic mind suddenly became sober.

After getting used to it, the cold ice pack was like a life-saving medicine, and it was extremely comfortable to touch her face. She couldn't help squinting her eyes satisfactorily, and nuzzling with enjoyment.

Su Linlin took an ice pack and carefully helped her every inch of her face to cool down. Li Jiao's flushed face returned to normal, white and soft, with small drops of water still ticking on her face.

Zhang Yue took out three ice stickers from her pockets and handed them to the two of them, "Hey, I just bought them, and I will stick them on for a while to make sure it’s cool."

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