24.He Has No Girlfriend.

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Li Jiao heard all the conversations of a few girls beside her without losing a word.

She suddenly realized that, yes, the instructor is so handsome, wouldn't he get married early?

Li Jiao raised her head and looked not far away. The tall and thin figure was being surrounded by a few boys in the class, chatting chatteringly.

Because it is an art class, most of the classes are girls, and there are fewer boys. The boys are born to adore the strong. Zhang Jiu Ling's temperament is strong enough, and he was born as a special soldier. In addition, the other day they saw Zhang Jiu Ling's demonstration of the military sports boxing, which is powerful and powerful!

Conquer them in one fell swoop, as opposed to chatting with girls. They prefer to run over and talk to the instructor when they are resting.

Zhang Jiu Ling stood there, surrounded by five or six boys. Even though they were far away, Li Jiao could feel the cold air radiating from him, pursing his mouth slightly, his eyebrows and eyebrows sharp, his dark pupils were slightly cold. But there is no impatience.

There was a boy with a hippie smile, punching a military fist in front of him.

"Instructor, look at my self-made Dapeng spreading wings, how about it?"

As he said, the male golden rooster was independent, his two hands spread out, and he flopped vigorously in the air.

Zhang Jiu Ling glanced at him lightly and raised his eyebrows slightly.

The tone was still cold, "Tell the chicken to take off."



Hearing that, the boys around him all laughed.

"Hahahaha, Huang Yuan'er, save the time, just like you to pay the Dapeng, the chicken is pretty much the same."

"Yes, hahahaha Huang Yuan'er listened to the instructor, just tell the chicken to take off, how appropriate hahaha..."

The boy named Huang Yuan'er, chubby, touched the back of his head embarrassedly, and looked at Zhang Jiu Ling.

"Instructor, do you think I am talented in martial arts? My desire since childhood is to be a hero who saves the common people! What do you think of an instructor?"

The little fat man looked at him expectantly, the three chins on his face were ready to come out, Zhang Jiu Ling raised his eyelids and glanced at him.

"Change your wish."


Not far away, the boys were joking around the instructor, Li Jiao looked at them, but was a little bit unhappy.

Instructor, do you have a girlfriend?

"Linlin," she called the person next to her. Su Linlin was talking to Zhang Yue, and both stopped to look at her.

"Jiao Jiao, what's the matter?"

Looking at the two of them, Li Jiao bit her lip and asked tangledly.

"Linlin, boss, do you think the instructor is single?"

Zhang Yue touched her head, "Well, he is so fierce, he shouldn't be there."

"This is not necessarily the case," Su Linlin said, "it is also possible that the instructor has a girlfriend, so he cleans himself up, so he is so cold and keeps a distance from others."

Upon hearing this, Zhang Yue nodded.

"It makes sense."

The two of them didn't say what they said, and Li Jiao was even more uncertain and panicked.

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