68.Silly Brother

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Finally, three people sat in a restaurant.

Zhang Jiu Ling sat on one side, Li Jiao on one side, and Li Hang on one side, and the three fell into a long silence.

"Hello, this is tea."

The waiter brought a pot of tea, which broke the original embarrassing atmosphere.

Li Jiao carefully glanced at the faces of the other two at the dinner table, and silently ordered herself a row of wax.

Amen, after a while, she can't run away because of her disability.

At the dinner table, Li Hang suddenly gave a cold snort and slumped into the back of his chair, like a second uncle.

"Jiao Jiao, okay, you just went to college, and all your boyfriends came out?"

As he said, his sharp eyes kept throwing at Zhang Jiu Ling.

It looks like how much money a person owes him.

Li Jiao knew that she was wrong, she shrank in position, like a little ostrich, afraid to answer.

She'd better stop harassing Li Hang, or he would really complain to her parents for a while.

Compared with the two brothers and sisters who are both grumpy and irritable, Zhang Jiu Ling is rather calm, with his back slightly leaning on the back of the chair, and the apricot windbreaker open, revealing the white long sweater inside. This dress is much more than before. It's leisurely, clean, and gentle.

Those deep and pitch-black eyes, the tails of the eyes were slightly raised, and they seemed to be careless.

Li Hang glanced at someone and felt even more angry when he saw him like this.

Li Jiao found out what kind of boyfriend this was, and she stopped reading when she saw it. Don't be deceived.

He turned his head, pointed the tip of the gun at Li Jiao, and licked his teeth, his tone was dangerous.

"Jiao Jiao, please introduce your boyfriend carefully."

Li Jiao raised her eyelids and felt that Li Hang didn't want to hear the introduction, but wanted to eat her.

She looked at Zhang Jiu Ling and honestly told her the experience of knowing Zhang Jiu Ling, from beginning to end, speaking clearly.

At the end of the conversation, Li Jiao glanced at him and hesitated to add a sentence.

"You, don't like to eat people."

"Don't scare him..."

After the words, Li Hang was even more angry, staring at the fire, and forcibly suppressing the fire.

"Is Lao Tzu that scary?!"

"He is so courageous?!!!"

He roared like this, it was nothing, but now he really meant to eat people, his anger was wide, his teeth and claws flared.

The waiter who came in was taken aback, and her good qualities made her adjust her state quickly, showing a standard smile.

"Hello, do you need to order now?"

Li Jiao swallowed, glanced at Li Hang, whose face was full of "I want to eat people", and was about to say no.

"Order now," Zhang Jiu Ling said suddenly beside her. Li Jiao looked back subconsciously and met his eyes.

Zhang Jiu Ling looked at her with a clear and tired voice.

"Didn't you run, are you hungry?"

This kind of care and tenderness is really too murderous, and Li Jiao was crying silently in her heart, and she was so touched.

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