Part 86 Surrounded Art Building

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"Who are you?"

Tang Yuran, who was tied hand and foot, glared at the two people who suddenly broke into the studio and asked angrily. 

Beside her, Li Jiao was also tied, the rough rope tightly tied her hands and feet, she tried to struggle, but felt tighter. 

Hearing Tang Yuran's question, she also looked at the two of them.

Just now she and Tang Yuran were arguing, and these two people suddenly rushed in, and without saying a word, they directly tied them with ropes. 

It was close to seven o' clock, and it was already dark. Outside the window, there were black clouds that could not be seen at a glance, dark and oppressive, gloomy, a large mass of black, as if the darkness of the end of the world. 

In the studio, the two people ignored Tang Yuran, turned their backs to them, and didn't know what they were talking about. 

Towards the end of the semester, everyone is now in the stage of cultural exams. In fact, there are not many people in the studio, their floor is empty, and when you speak, you can hear the echo. 

Li Jiao glanced at the corridor outside the window, there was no one, and there should be no one on this floor. 

She couldn't help but shrink back, the fear in her heart was magnified little by little, and the fear was like a small dot, spreading in her heart. 

She didn't know who these two men were, and she didn't know why they tied them up as soon as they entered. 

The little girl has lived in the sun since she was a child and grew up in a happy family. Where have she seen such a battle? Right now, alone, her body was cod. 

"Hey, who the hell are you," Tang Yuran couldn't break free from the rope and began to yell, her usual cold impression was long gone. 

She had messy hair, and yelled, like a crazy woman. 

"I'm telling you, there are security guards in this building, and when they hear the sound, they'll be there right away!"

"Let go of me!!!"

The two men heard the voice and finally turned around. 

One of them, a man with five big and three thick eyes, had fierce eyes, and his eyes fell on Tang Yuran, she couldn't help but tremble, and her momentum was not as strong as before. 

"I tell you, let me go quickly, or the security guards will come in a while, and I will call the police."

"Call the police?"

Another man spoke, dressed in a black garment and looking more of a mild type. However, there is a deep scar under his eyes, and between his eyebrows and eyes, there is also the evil aura of Yin Heron. 

The man spoke, his voice low and rustling, as if something was stuck in his throat, and it was hard to hear. 

" In my life, the most hated thing is the police." 

Look at the man's face, and the deep scar under his eye. Li Jiao felt a little familiar and for a while, she couldn't remember it. 

She frowned, lowered her eyes and remained silent. 

She seemed to have seen this person somewhere. 

The man looked at the two people who were tied up, his cloudy eyes narrowed slightly. 

He asked, in that hoarse voice. 

"You, which one is Zhang Jiu Ling's woman?"

As soon as she heard this, Li Jiao reacted instantly. In her mind, she also has a wanted image that she has seen on TV. 

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