87.Fire In The Sky

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Luo Cheng held a gun in one hand and pointed at Li Jiao by the sink. At the same time, looking at Zhang Jiu Ling, his eyes were fierce and sinister.

"Team Zhang is so big, it makes people wait."

"I thought, you don't want your beautiful little girlfriend."

Zhang Jiu Ling ignored his empty-headed words, looking straight at him with sharp eyes.

"Luo Cheng, come to me if you have anything to do."

Seeing him like this, Luo Cheng knew that he was tied to someone, and sneered.

"Heh, I didn't expect you Zhang Jiu Ling would one day be pinched by me."

"It seems," he turned his head and looked at Li Jiao, his muzzle swayed on her, and he sneered.

"You care about your little girlfriend."

"Let me think about it, where should I make a hole in her first. Why not just take the stomach."

As he said, he pointed the muzzle at Li Jiao's belly,  Luo Cheng said.

"I remember, back then, your shot hit me in the stomach."

Luo Cheng approached Li Jiao two steps, pointed at her with a gun, and looked at Zhang Jiu Ling.

"Team Zhang, what do you think?"

"Luo Cheng, I said, what's the matter, come at me!"

"I killed your brother, I sent your brother to the drug rehabilitation center, and I shot the shot in your stomach!"

"Luo Cheng," Zhang Jiu Ling looked at him with a hard tone.

"Use your gun, aim at me!"

She don’t know if it was poked by Zhang Jiu Ling’s words. Luo Cheng’s mood suddenly intensified. Looking at Zhang Jiu Ling, his face was gloomy and terrifying, and his almost crazy eyes were filled with hatred.

"Of course I know you did all those things, Zhang Jiu Ling, do you know how much I want to kill you."

"I wish I made thousands of holes in your body, cut your throat with a knife, cut off your tendons and hamstrings, cut out your eyeballs, took out all your internal organs, and then threw your corpse away. Feed the crocodile!"

"You know how I survived for so long. Relying on hatred for you, every day, I think about how to kill you!"

Luo Cheng is like a mad mental patient, with scarlet eyes and red blood on the whites of his eyes. His eyes widened, like a ghost unwilling to die.

"Zhang Jiu Ling, all the suffering I have suffered over the years, you also have to suffer it all for me!"

"Don't you like this little girl, okay, I will let her wait for you on Huangquan Road first!"

With that said, he quickly raised his gun and pointed at Li Jiao on the ground, trying to pull the trigger.

Zhang Jiu Ling's pupils contracted and quickly ran over, kicked off the gun in his hand, and the bullet that was shot out of the way, it was able to hit the near wall on Li Jiao's head and penetrated deeply.

The sudden death threat caused Li Jiao's heart to froze and froze in place. After a "bang" sound, several bullets hit near her head.

She felt that there was no missing part of her body, no severe pain. She slid slowly to the ground, curled up, panting with fear.

She almost died, almost...

When Li Jiao was stunned, Luo Cheng, who was knocked out of the gun, quickly returned to his senses.

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