72.Stay at his house

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The car came out of Nantah University and drove along the street until it reached the downtown area, turning around a bustling commercial street, and came to a quiet and comfortable community.

Li Jiao had never been to Zhang Jiu Ling's house before and didn't know that he lived here. She sat in the co-pilot and looked at the environment in the community curiously. The floors are high and there is a small fountain in the center, and the greening is well done.

In the community, there is a not-so-small supermarket, which greatly facilitates the residents. In addition, there are also some entertainment venues, swimming pools, and gyms. There is a small square, it is probably a place for grandpa and aunt to chat and dance.

It seems that it is a very good high-end community.

Li Jiao retracted her eyes and asked curiously.

"Jiu Ling, have you bought the house here?"

Zhang Jiu Ling was reversing the car, his slender fingers were holding the steering wheel, while he was looking at the picture in the car mirror, while replying.

"No, it's rented."


Li Jiao nodded, yes, it would cost a lot of money to buy this house.

One-handed reversing into the garage, the car slowly stopped, the parking lot was very large and empty, and quietly, even if it made a little noise, it could be heard clearly.

For example, when Zhang Jiu Ling turned off the car and pulled out the car key, he could hear a sharp metal crash.

In this quiet and closed environment, Zhang Jiu Ling didn't speak, and Li Jiao was a little uneasy for some reason. She unfastened her seat belt, put her two small paws on her thighs, and nervously played the small piano for a while.

Finally, she opened her mouth and broke the silence.

"Shall we not go up?"

Zhang Jiu Ling was holding a mobile phone, and the screen was shining brightly in some dark space, and Li Jiao didn't know what he was doing. It's just that he flipped the screen with his fingers back and forth, as if he was looking at something.

Hearing this, he raised his head and raised his phone.

"I just checked the price of this house and I think it's okay."

"If Jiao Jiao likes it, I will buy it now."


You just watched it for a long time. Are you looking at the house price? ! !

You shouldn’t talk about the house as simple as drinking water, okay?

This is a house, hundreds of thousands, such a high-end community, worth millions.

You are sober! !

Li Jiao cleared her throat and hesitated.

"Well, why are you buying a house? You are not from Nanshi, and you don't often live here. Isn't it a waste of buying?"

He smiled and looked at Li Jiao with a touch of other meaning in his eyes.

"But, Jiao Jiao is here."

Upon hearing this, Li Jiao's heart skipped a beat, suddenly soft.

Immediately afterwards, she heard Zhang Jiu Ling continue.

"However, after you graduate from university, you should go to the imperial capital."

"This house seems to be useless."

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