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The night was dim, and the thick clouds revealed a touch of silver moonlight, and there were a few unknown stars next to them, flickering and weakening. Everything, quietly.

Occasionally, the big tree downstairs will hear a few cicadas that are not short or long, making the night not so quiet.


The door of the bathroom opened, scrambling to squeeze out a cloud of white mist, thin and shallow.

Zhang Jiu Ling wiped the dripping hair and walked out of the mist. The water droplets in the hair slowly slid down the temples, face, and chin, and passed to the bulging Adam's apple on the neck, and the two slightly arched veins flowed towards Some loose collars, looming, you can see a thin and distinct collarbone, a muscular mermaid line...


The phone on the desk rang, and he walked over with two long legs, casually scanning the caller ID.


"Boss, guess who I am?"

On the other side of the phone, a man's clear voice came, full of joy. Across the phone, Zhang Jiu Ling seemed to be able to imagine the smile of the person on the opposite side that was as brilliant as a sun flower.

He curled his lips lightly, a little stubborn, and his voice was clear.

"My son."

"Hey, grandson," the phone answered quickly, followed by a burst of hearty laughter.



Zhang Jiu Ling glanced at the phone screen again, frowned, said impatiently.

"Wang Haonan, are you looking for something again?"

The authentically one-of-a-kind Beijing film sounds a bit lazy, mixed with a unique ruffian tone.

"Eh yo yo, boss, what are you doing so irritable, why don't you just copy your sentence and it's cheap."

"It's so stingy, man, you can't do it."

Zhang Jiu Ling threw the towel for wiping his hair aside, his voice was so cold that it was scumming.

"I have something to say, it's okay..."

A word of temptation came across.

"It's okay, let me tell you a bedtime story?"

Zhang Jiu Ling snorted coldly, "All right?"

"Fuck off!"


"Boss, really, I don't know where my expectations of you come from."

On the other end of the phone, Wang Haonan held up the phone and rubbed his hair. Really, it's just the sex of the boss, and I'll be absolutely lonely in the future.

"Don't you tell me? Don't tell me you hung up."

The opposite urged impatiently.

"Eh eh eh, don't hang up, don't hang up," Wang Haonan hurriedly said.

"Boss, guess where I am now?"


"I'm hanging up."

"Eh eh eh, boss, can't you be a little patient with your brother?"

"I tell you, my mission is over and I am now at the airport. In more than ten hours, you will be able to see your dearest comrade-in-arms!"

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