36.I Will Come.

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In class 1, Li Jiao's class is also making the final farewell.

Their class is quite special, and they have experienced two instructors before and after. One person took it for half a month.

For every instructor, everyone has deep feelings.

"The teacher can't stay away."

"We can't bear you, instructor."

"Instructor, let's train together for a few more days. Really, I suddenly feel that military training is not tired at all."

"Instructor take care, we will definitely see you again in the future!"


Dozens of people surrounded Wang Haonan, who was nearly 1.9 meters away, and kept him crying.

Wang Haonan hasn't experienced this kind of situation yet, and is quite at a loss. The tall man of nearly 1.9 meters, shrank in the encirclement, suddenly appeared weak and pitiful.

"Okay, okay, don't cry, don't cry, there is nothing in my pocket."

"You are crying, I can only clap my hands and shout for cheer."



"Ah~ instructor, you are so annoying, we are still sad."

Wang Haonan suddenly relaxed and laughed loudly.

"Hey, that's right, what's the point of crying. It's not that I'm on the west."

"It's all right, wipe away the tears."


On the high platform, the always serious chief instructor made an exception to let the instructors stay a few more minutes to bid farewell to the classmates.

Li Jiao stood outside the crowd, looking at the crowd surrounding Wang Haonan. Although she couldn't give up the current instructor in her heart, the person she really wanted to say goodbye to was not there.

Everyone is thinking about the current instructors. Does anyone remember the previous instructors?

Although the requirements are very strict, but in fact, it is also a very gentle instructor.

"Eh, Huang Yuan'er, where are you going, Huang Yuan'er?"

A boy trot to catch up with the little fat guy in front of him, panting.

"Huang Yuan'er, they are all saying goodbye to the instructor, where are you going?"

Huang Yuan was chubby, the same boy who was punished by Zhang Jiu Ling for trampling flowers. He glanced at the group of people surrounding over there, lowered his eyes, his expression low.

"Why didn't the original instructor come? Today's military training is over."

"I also want to show him the martial arts boxing I am currently playing."

Hearing that, Li Jiao smiled slightly. It turned out that there was still someone like her, thinking about the instructor's place.

However, Li Jiao raised her head slightly, looking at the gray sky, the fine rain and mist fell down and sprinkled on her face, moist and comfortable. She blinked her big crystal eyes, her long eyelashes were stained with rain and mist, and her vision became hazy.

The drop of rain touched her bitterness, and then slipped from the corner of her eyes.

Instructor, why didn’t you come...

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