31.Don't Say Goodbye To Big Green Tree

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"Go home early."

People are going to leave, Li Jiao didn't know what she was going crazy again, turned around and spoke.

"Teacher, instructor!"

Zhang Jiu Ling stopped and turned sideways, his deep and pitch-black eyes looked over, as cool as water.

Anything else?

Being stared at like this, Li Jiao was instantly stunned, her small eyes fluttered, and her brain started to revolve quickly.

Finally, she stretched out a small paw and fumbled in her pocket for a long time, and took out a big yellow moon cake, the kind of egg yolk moon cake that is very common in supermarkets, and it is full of fists.

The little paw held the moon cake and handed it tremblingly, revealing a guilty conscience.

"Instructor, happy Mid-Autumn Festival."

Zhang Jiu Ling turned his gaze to the thing in the little girl's hand, moon cake?

The long and narrow eyes were raised slightly, and his gaze stayed for a while on the big words on the moon cake packaging bag.

Egg yolk stuffed?

He is a little allergic to egg yolks, and rarely eats it except in the army. However, it is always the little girl's mind. Zhang Jiu Ling rarely refused.

Reach out and take it.

He replied, "Happy Mid-Autumn Festival."


After coming out of the club, the sun was covered, and the place was cool and comfortable when the wind blew.

Li Jiao stood at the door, grinning, smiling silently like a little fool.

The instructor took her moon cake and told her a happy Mid-Autumn Festival...

This Mid-Autumn Festival is the happiest Mid-Autumn Festival she has had!

By the way, photos, photos!

Li Jiao hurriedly took out the phone, unlocked it, and opened the album.

On the screen, the man's face is handsome, with sharp edges and corners, the angle is a little bit off, and the side is angled. She can just see his short and clean sideburns, the high curvature of the nose, the black sharp eyebrows, the sharp eyes, and the tails of the eyes are slightly raised, showing a little careless frivolousness.

However, the man has a cold temperament, and he overwhelms the frivolous meaning, and contains a touch of unspeakable aura.

The full screen of abstinence and indifference rushed to the face.


Li Jiao was so excited that she almost didn't call her a groundhog, her mouth widened, and she could vaguely see the small tongue in her throat. She wanted to shout with excitement, but she couldn't make a sound in her throat, so she could only say "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh."

She only knew now that it turned out that the sound of extreme excitement was silent.

It took a long time for Li Jiao to find her own voice, holding her mobile phone with tears in her eyes.

Now she said: "It's so good to watch..."

No, she won't show anyone this picture!

Gu Pingping is not worthy of admiring the beauty of my instructor!

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