63.Days without Him

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Nanshi is not too close to the emperor, nearly a thousand kilometers, almost two hours of flying time.

Li Jiao drove back to school. It was already 6 o'clock in the afternoon. She had eaten and took a shower. Shrinking in the warm quilt, carelessly tracing the small portrait.

It was about eight o'clock before she received a call from Zhang Jiu Ling.

As soon as the bell rang, Li Jiao immediately threw away the painting in her hand, grabbed the phone, and saw Zhang Jiu Ling's phone.

She knelt on the bed and quickly scanned the dormitory. Su Linlin was watching a TV series at the table, and Zhang Yue was eating dinner.

So Li Jiao put on her clothes, slipped out of bed a few steps, ran to the balcony, closed the door, and then carefully connected the phone.


"Jiao Jiao."

The familiar voice came through the phone.

It was only a few hours that Li Jiao hadn't seen each other, but Li Jiao felt like a world away. Suddenly hearing Zhang Jiu Ling's voice, her nose was sore for a while.

Holding the phone in both hands, she asked in a low voice.

"Are you home?"

Hearing this, Zhang Jiu Ling glanced out of the car window. In the dark night, the emperor was a colorful and prosperous scene. In the distance, the building high enough to jump into the sky was shining red and purple, and there were a few big characters on it, "Imperial Capital welcomes you."

For a moment, he withdrew his sight.

"Not yet, in the car."


Different from the prosperity of Zhang Jiu Ling's side, Nanda University where Li Jiao is located, because of the rainy weather, no one is seen on the campus, and they are all nestled in the dormitory. She was standing on the balcony, too quiet all around.

Li Jiao could only hear her own breathing and the roaring traffic from the phone.

She tried her best to stabilize her mind, "Then, have you eaten yet?"

"Not yet, go home to eat."

"Oh, oh."

After speaking, there was silence on both ends of the phone.

Li Jiao didn't know what to say at this time, holding her mobile phone, standing on the balcony, biting her pink lips.

Suddenly there was a gust of wind, chilling, and drilled straight into the leg of her pajama pants.

After a while, Zhang Jiu Ling's mellow and slow voice followed the faint electric current.

"Jiao Jiao, wait for me to come back."

Hearing such a sentence, Li Jiao's erratic heart suddenly settled down, no longer so anxious.

For a moment, she spoke and responded.



Zhang Jiu Ling was not in Nanshi, and Li Jiao suddenly felt that something was missing, and felt empty.

In order not to let herself continue to be immersed in sadness, Li Jiao made arrangements for her life every day, reading books in the library, drawing in the studio, and going to the Department of Propaganda Department for meetings. All sorts of things were busy.

The hole in her heart was finally filled in.

Two people are busy in different cities, and they send messages every day to report what they are doing. This is their unique way of communication.

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