18.Pubilc Humiliation

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Class 19.1 (non-famous painters)

Li Jiao: Hello, everyone. This is Li Jiao. I'm fine. I just came back from the hospital. Thank you everyone for your concern and help tonight, thank you.

House Committee: It’s okay to be okay.

Northeast Man: Oh, old girl, it's okay if you are fine, don't you know, you are dizzy, and we are all terrified.

Study Committee: Yeah, it's too scary, it's okay.

Li Jiao: No, it means excessive fatigue. Thank you everyone.

I want to eat barbecue: Really, Little Chili, you fainted today, I feel sorry for you.

Hainan Coconut Tree: Let me go, you are less disgusting, Jiaojiao ignore him.

A little bit: Jiaojiao, ask for leave if you can't stand it in the future, don't resist, it's too scary.

Monet Close Window Disciple: That's right. It's time to ask for leave. It's the instructor...

Da Vinci's egg: The instructor will approve it, I'm all fainted.

Michelangelo’s sculpture: Really, if he doesn’t approve, we will protest. What if we die?

Picasso reincarnation: It's easy to say, the instructor is so fierce, are you going?

Michelangelo's sculpture: I don't want it, I advise, let's go together.

Van Gogh's Sunflower: Oh, we don't die, I'm afraid of the cold face of Hell.

Mongoza: We are the little ghosts under the cold-faced Hades, miserable.

Monet's disciple closes the window: But, let's say it or not, the instructor is really handsome.

Van Gogh's Sunflower: Ha, you like him so much, why don't you go after the instructor, and catch up with the benefit of the class?

Disciple Monet closed the window: Ha, although I am an idiot, I cherish my life and I don't want it.

Mongoza: Hahahahaha...

Picasso reincarnation: hahahaha...

Room 401, Zhang Yue and Su Linlin had already climbed onto the bed to rest because of the lunch break.

In the room, there are four beds, the curtains are tightly closed, and the room is quietly everywhere, only the sound of the air conditioner above the head can be heard.

Outside the dormitory building, the cicada on the tree called "squeaky-squeaky-" the heat of the last summer. The dense trees and the green ground, under the sun, looked a little wilted.

It is now mid-to-late September, and the temperature is still hovering over 30 degrees. Even though it is written on the calendar that it has already entered autumn, the continuous high temperature still makes people feel that they are living in summer.

However, according to the weather forecast, there will be a heavy rain in a few days. After the rain, the temperature will drop.

In bedroom 401, the bed on the left side of the balcony has a blue bed curtain with Van Gogh's "Starry Night" painted on it, and the curtain is tightly closed.

Looking inside, Li Jiao, who was supposed to take a nap, turned on a small light, leaned her back against the wall, holding a small drawing board, holding a sketching pencil, looking serious, and delicately depicting the characters on the paper.

On the white sketch paper, black pencil lines outline the outline of a handsome man, wearing a military uniform, a military cap, and a pair of black leather boots.

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